Movement is a characteristic of a living thing. Discuss​


Answer 1


All living organisms show movement of one kind or another. All living organisms have internal movement, which means that they have the ability of moving substances from one part of their body to another.

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He noted the beaks of the finches in the Galapagos Islands.


the answer is B beaks, finches.


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chopping off trees helps society by allowing new plants and trees that are not being allowed by the trees (not enough space/blocking sunlight) to grow.
another benefit is that we need wood to build lots of places and make lots of things that could help us in making our society a better place.
it allows people to get extra space that they probably need, as the population keeps on growing.. 
hope these helped! brainliest?

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The answer is A. by consuming plants or other animals. Organisms need nitrogen to make proteins and DNA. However, they cannot directly use nitrogen from the atmosphere. Thus, choice C. is incorrect. Most plants absorb ammonia from bacteria growing in the roots or from the soil. On the other hand, animals get nitrogen by consuming plants or other animals.

A is your anwser have a good day ;)

List the function of nucleus? Name the cell part that has tiny holes?


To control the activities of a cell, the control center.
by the tiny holes i don't know what you mean but there is ribosomes and lysosomes.
hoped i helped:P  
The function of the nucleus is to maintain the integrity of these genes and to control the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression-the nucleus is,therefore,the control center of the cell

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Part A Part complete
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Role of Springtalils in Moss Reproduction


  • Bryophytes are the group of seedles plants that are the closest enduring relative of early natural plants
  • In light of the fact that they nonappearance of lignin and other safe structures, bryophyte fossil advancement is ridiculous and the fossil record is poor. A couple of spores guaranteed by sporopollenin have persevere through and are credited to early bryophytes. By the Silurian time allotment, in any case, vascular plants had spread through the territories. This persuading truth is used as evidence that non-vascular plants likely went before the Silurian time system
  • In a bryophyte, all the conspicuous vegetative organs, including the photosynthetic leaf-like structures, the thallus, stem, and the rhizoid that hooks the plant to its substrate, have a spot with the haploid living thing, or gametophyte. The sporophyte is hardly unmistakable. Right now, gametophyte is the transcendent and most ordinary structure; the sporophyte appears for only a short period. The sporangium, the multicellular sexual regenerative structure, is accessible in bryophytes and missing in the greater part of green development. The sporophyte early living being in like manner stays added to the parent plant, which guarantees and supports it. This is a trait of land plants