The market is in
until the price of goods reflects equal supply and demand.


Answer 1
Answer: Supply and demand us an economic model of price determination in a market if demand increses and supply remains unchanged then it leads to higher equalibrium price and higher quantity if demand decreases s and supply remains unchanged then it lead to lower equilibrium price and lower quantity hope this helps XD

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Write a simple arithmetic expression translator that reads in expressions such as 25.5 + 34.2 and displays their value. Each expression has two numbers separated by an arithmetic operator. (Hint: Use a switch statement with the operator symbol (type char) as a selector to determine which arithmetic operation to perform on the two numbers. For a sentinel, enter an expression with zero for both operands.)



Following are the program in the C++ Programming Language.

//header file


//header file

#include <bits/stdc++.h>


using namespace std;

//set main function

int main()


//set float type variables

float a,s,m,d,c,b,g;

//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The First Number : ";


//print message and get variable from the user

cout<<" Enter The Second Number: ";



//get variable from the user for Operation

cout<<" Enter the Operation which you want : ";

char choice;











g=fmod(c, b);

//set switch statement

//here is the solution



   case '+':  

     cout<<"Addition: "<<a<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '-':

     cout<<"Subtraction: "<<s<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '*':

     cout<<"Multiplication: "<<m<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '/':

     cout<<"Division: "<<d<<endl;

     goto again;


   case '%':

     cout<<"Modulus: "<<g<<endl;

     goto again;






return 0;


Here, we define the required header files then, we set main function.

  • set float type variables a,s,m,d,c,b,g.
  • Get input from the user for operation in the variable c,d.
  • Set character type variables in which we get input from the user for operations.
  • Then, we perform some operations.
  • Set switch statement which display the output according to the user an if user input wrong then statement breaks.

Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System. a. True
b. False


The answer to the question which asks if the Shortest Remaining Time First is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System is:

  • True

What is Shortest Remaining Time First?

This refers to the type of scheduling algorithm which is used to schedule tasks that would be executed in the processing unit in an Operating System based on the shortest time taken to execute the task.

With this in mind, we can see that this is the best preemptive scheduling algorithm that can be implemented in an Operating System because it makes task execution faster.

Read more about scheduling algorithm here:




Yes, true.

Shortest Remaining Time First, also popularly referred to by the acronym SRTF, is a type of scheduling algorithm, used in operating systems. Other times it's not called by its name nor its acronym, it is called the preemptive version of SJF scheduling algorithm. The SJF scheduling algorithm is another type of scheduling algorithm.

The Shortest Remaining Time First has been touted by many to be faster than the SJF

A data structure used to bind an authenticated individual to a public key is the definition of ________. digital certificate
internet layer
data link layer



Digital Certificate is the correct answer of this question.


Digital certificates are always for encryption and identification for transmitting public keys.The concept of digital certificate is a data structure used for linking an authenticated person to a public key. It is used to cryptographically attach public key rights to the organization that controls it.

For example:- Verisign, Entrust, etc.

  • An appendix to an electronic document that is used for authentication purposes.
  • A digital certificate's most frequent use is to confirm that an user sending a message is who he or she appears to be, and provide the recipient with the means to encode a response.

Checkpoint 10.43 Write an interface named Nameable that specifies the following methods: _______{ public void setName(String n) public String getName()} Fill in the blank.



Fill the blank with

public interface Nameable {



Complete code segment with the interface definition

The given code segment is divided into three parts

1. The interface

2. The method that returns nothing

3. The method that returns string

The blank will be filled with the definition of the interface.

The definition is as follows:

public interface Nameable {

Analyzing the above definition

public -----> This represents the modifier

interface ------> This represents that the definition is an interface

Nameable ------> This represents the name of the interface

Is spread spectrum transmission done for security reasons in commercial WLANs?


Answer: No

Explanation: Spread spectrum transmission is the wireless transmission technique for the wide channel that helps in decrement of the potential interference.The transmission of signal is based on the varying the frequency knowingly to achieve larger bandwidth.

The use of spread spectrum transmission in the WLAN(wireless local area network)is used for the regulatory purpose The regulation is the controlling of the area  through policies.Thus,security is not the service that is provided to WLAN by spread spectrum transmission.

Write an Enlistee class that keeps data attributes for the following pieces of information: • Enlistee name • Enlistee number Next, write a class named Private that is a subclass of the Enlistee class. The Private class should keep data attributes for the following information: • Platoon number (an integer, such as 1, 2, or 3) • Years of service (also an integer)



function Enlistee( name, number ){

    constructor( ){

      super( ) ; name;

      this.number= number;

      this.Private= ( platoonNumber, yearOfService ) =>{

                             this.platoonNumber = platoonNumber;

                             this.yearOfService = yearOfService;





In Javascript, OOP ( object-oriented programming) just like in other object oriented programming languages, is used to create instance of a class object, which is a blueprint for a data structure.

Above is a class object called Enlistee and subclass "Private" with holds data of comrades enlisting in the military.

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