Is the world flat? I'm not sure please give me an explanation if it is or if its not.


Answer 1


No, the world is not flat. Many people believed the world was flat and not in a sphere shape. Christopher Columbus, a world traveler, wanted to know if the world was flat or not because it has been going on for a while. He asked a queen in Spain for 50 crew mates and 4 ships in each. The Queen agreed with him and off Columbus went on his journey.

Later, he found out that the world we're living in now is r=not flat, it's a 3-D sphere shape.

Hope this helps


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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "D.The United States believed it deserved more territory as a democratic, Christian nation." The supporters of Manifest Destiny argue that US expansionism was not imperialism because the United States believed it deserved more territory as a democratic, Christian nation



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