Convert to grams
0.100 moles of Co2


Answer 1
Answer: one mole of C= 12 grams
two moles of O =32
so one mole of CO^2 is44 grams
.1 moles or 1/10 moles of 44 grams is 4.4 grams

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According to the fact that they both include the reaction change of elements through different processes, there should be a nice connection between them. In math, numbers pose as an element, and in chem - elements are physical things. Both of them can change due to reaction or a formula.

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What are the formal charges of both chlorines and iodine in icl2?




 Formal charge of ICl₂⁻

Formal charge = group no - ( no of non bonding electrons +no of bonds)

In I there are 7 electrons in outermost orbit . If we add one more electrons due to - ve charge on the ion , it becomes eight . This centrally placed iodine forms two single bond with two chlorine atoms on either side.

Each of chlorine atoms also contains 7 valance electrons like iodine.

So formal charge of chlorine

= group no - ( no of non bonding electrons +no of bonds)

= 7 - ( 6 + 1 )

= 0

So formal charge of iodine

= group no - ( no of non bonding electrons +no of bonds)

= 7 - ( 5 + 2 )


 Formal charge of ICl₂⁺

In this case , central iodine will have only 6 valence electrons due to absence one electron.

So formal charge of chlorine in  ICl₂⁺

= group no - ( no of non bonding electrons +no of bonds)

= 7 - ( 6 + 1 )

= 0

formal charge of iodine in  in   ICl₂⁺

7 - ( 4 + 2)

= 1

35 Which element reacts with oxygen to form ionic bonds?(1) calcium (3) chlorine(2) hydrogen (4) nitrogen


\boxed{\left( 1 \right){\text{ calcium}}} reacts with oxygen to form ionic bonds.

Further Explanation:

Covalent bonds are the types of bonds that involve the sharing of electrons between the bonded atoms. This bond is usually formed between two or more non-metals.

Ionic bonds are the chemical bonds that involve the transference of electrons from one atom to another. These bonds are generally formed between metals and non-metals. In these types of bonds, ions are formed by the atoms. Cations are formed by the loss of electrons and anions result from the gain of electrons.

Oxygen is a non-metal. In order to form an ionic bond with oxygen, the other element has to be a metal.

Hydrogen, chlorine, and nitrogen are non-metals so these can form covalent bonds with oxygen. But calcium is a metal and it forms ionic bonds with oxygen. Calcium loses two electrons to form {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )} and these electrons are gained by oxygen, resulting in the formation of {{\text{O}}^(2 - )}. The attraction between {\text{C}}{{\text{a}}^(2 + )} and {{\text{O}}^(2 - )} is an ionic bond and the resulting compound is CaO (For structure, refer to the attached image).

Learn more:

  1. Identification of ionic bonding:
  2. What type of bond exists between phosphorus and chlorine?

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Ionic and covalent compounds

Subject: Chemistry

Keywords: ionic bond, covalent bond, nitrogen, hydrogen, chlorine, calcium, oxygen, CaO, metal, non-metal.

Calcium is the element that reacts with oxygen to form an ionic bond. Calcium forms the ionic compound calcium oxide with oxygen. Hydrogen, chlorine, and nitrogen do not typically form ionic bonds with oxygen.

The element that reacts with oxygen to form ionic bonds is calcium.

Calcium (element #20 on the periodic table) readily reacts with oxygen to form calcium oxide, which is an ionic compound. In this reaction, calcium loses two electrons to become Ca2+, and oxygen gains two electrons to become O2-. This transfer of electrons creates an ionic bond, which is a type of chemical bond.

Hydrogen, chlorine, and nitrogen do not typically form ionic bonds with oxygen under normal conditions. Hydrogen forms covalent bonds with oxygen to create water, whereas chlorine and nitrogen mostly form covalent bonds.

Learn more about Ionic bonds here:


A sample of a white solid contains 0.212 g of magnesium and 0.140 g oxygen. What is the empirical formula of this compound?


In determining the empirical formula of a compound, you must convert the mass of each element to moles. Since the given mass for this problem is 0.212 grams of Magnesium and 0.140 grams of Oxygen, just divide the mass by the molar mass of Magnesium (24.305 g/mol) and Oxygen (16 g/mol).You’ll get 0.00872 moles of Magnesium and 0.00875 moles of Oxygen. You then divide the each mole value with the smallest calculated number of moles which is 0.00872. You will get an empirical formula of MgO. 

List three possible results of a double replacement reaction


1. two compounds form
2. precipitate forms
3. ions exchanged between the two reactants