1. The emotional atmosphere a reader senses in a poem is referred to as its A. mood
B. tone
C. theme


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is A. mood
Answer 2
Answer: I think it's the mood. Emotional atmosphere=mood.

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Describe how using active listening at work can help you be a better employee.


When achieving to be an active listener, you establish a bond between you and your employer. You are becoming a better worker because you are following what you must do. 
It can definetly make you a better employee because it makes you loyal and kind and  a good listener! :) i hope I helped !

Simple subject for She went on a trip to Florida last summer


She simple subject is She. The simple subject is whom or what the sentence is about.

A pronoun or a contraction has been used incorrectly. type the correct wordDon't worry; their always late. ______


'Their' wasn't supposed to be in that sentence. 

The correct word was supposed to be: They're

They're is a contraction meaning: they are 

The correct contraction would be they're because it means they are, and the word "their" is used to shown ownership of a item .

hopefully my answer helps you

Which sentence has an infinitive phrase that functions as the subject?After the rain, water travels from the ground to the roots of a plant.
Plants are adapted to take in moisture from the ground.
To convert sunlight and energy into food is the end result of photosynthesis.


The sentence that has an infinitive phrase that functions as the subject is the last one - To convert sunlight and energy into food is the end result of photosynthesis.
An infinitive is formed with the preposition to and any verb. For example: to play, to dance, to see, etc.
In the first sentence, to the roots is not an infinitive since roots is not a verb, but a noun.
In the second sentence, to take is indeed an infinitive, but it is not a subject. 

What is a garment for the upper part of the body made of light material? Should start with the letter s.


A shirt is a garment for the upper part of the body made of light material.
A shirt should be the answer. 

Answer: Shirt 

Which would affect the pace of a story? a.)Connotative diction
b.)Shifting point of view
c.)Use of first person narrator
d.)Long, drawn-out sentences



The correct answer is option d.) "Long, drawn-out sentences".


The pace of story is basically the speed at which the events of a story are told. Long drawn out sentences would affect the pace of a story since this style of writing give the audience the perception that the events are happening slowly. Short sentences fast out the pace of a story, while long drawn out sentences slow down it.