HELPFUL NOW!! How do you say "Missing assignment" In spanish


Answer 1

trabajo faltante, tarea faltante, asignacion faltante

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the mother


cause she was at it

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If you meant 'ventaja' it means advantage/something positive, benefit.


something positive


Choose the most logical choice to complete each sentence. Yo _____frutas todos los días. bebía comía bailaba escuchaba


For this case we can translate the sentence as:

I _____fruits every day.

We must complete with the verb that best fits. We have the following verbs (but in past tense)

  • To drink
  • Eat
  • Dance
  • Hear

Fruits are associated with the verb eat. So, we have:

I ate fruits every day.


Yo comia frutas todos los días.

Yo comía frutas todos los días.

The two main different ways to address people are formally and





u need to communicate

What are the tips how to learn Spanish fast?


I learned Spanish quickly by having movements with each word and studying the words out loud
Learn new words/phrases and test yourself or say them to someone every now and again, or you could also download an app that helps you revise Spanish (linguascope is also a good website for this)

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