How is a bone cell and animal cell similar?​


Answer 1

A bone cell and animal cell are similar in their function and presence in a body.


A Cell is known for its function and structure.

A bone cell is made of tissue.

A bone cell protects the internal organs and stores minerals such as phosphorous and calcium.

An animal cell has a cell membrane and has functions that relate to producing energy and storing it.

Animal cells make proteins and transfer molecules.

Learn more about Cells here:

Answer 2
Answer: Bone is composed of four different cell types; osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts and bone lining cells.

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hope it helped!!!
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What field(s) are created by an electron when it moves?A. electric and gravitational fields

B. magnetic and gravitational fields

C. gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields

D. electric field only


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option C. The fields that are created by an electron when it moves are gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields. All fields are being produced by such movement. Hope this answers the question.

Answer:Option C.  gravitational, electric, and magnetic fields


An electron is a negatively charged particle having mass, m = 9.1 × 10⁻³¹ kg and charge, q = -1.602 × 10⁻¹⁹ C. Gravitational field is created all bodies having mass. Hence, a moving electron also creates gravitational field.

A charged body creates electric field around it. And when the charged body moves, it also creates magnetic field. Hence, a moving electron creates gravitational field, electric field and magnetic field.  

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

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Maritime tropical Pacific air mass


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Maritime tropical, or mT. This type of weather is from a source region in the tropics and over water

Humans affect the carbon cycle in many ways through the use of fossil fuels, clear cutting of forests, and controlled burns. Which of the following processes can help counteract these human interactions? A.photosynthesis



D.building proteins


The correct answer is A.photosynthesis

In the process of photosynthesis plants use the energy of the sunlight and absorbed CO2 from the atmosphere to create simple sugars. In this process, plants also create oxygen molecules that are released to the athmosphere.

Human activities that involve burning fossil fuels cause a release of a huge amount of CO2 to the atmosphere. Photosynthesis in plants can reverse the effects of this, but only to a certain extent. This is, but all means, not enough to stop the global warning effect that the CO2 build-up in the atmosphere is causing.

Answer:The correct answer is -



Human activities such as burning of fossil fuels (like coal and oil) , clearing of forests can lead to the accumulation of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere, which affects the carbon cycle.

This can lead to many harmful effects like global warming (overall rise in the earth temperature).

These human interactions can be counteracted through photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a process of formation of food (glucose) in green plants and algae using CO2 and water in the presence of sunlight.

It releases oxygen in the atmosphere as a byproduct of this process.

The atmospheric CO2 can be reduced through photosynthesis and therefore, it can help counteract the given human activities.

Thus, option A) is the right answer.