The US, as a whole, has a social attitude of not really liking...a. The WTO
b. This is a trick question: USA got enough love for everyone
c. The EU
e. The UN


Answer 1
Answer: In my opinion, the correct answer is option B. The US, as a whole, has a social attitude of not really liking no one. This is a trick question: USA got enough love for everyone. The government is always ready to help to other nations.
Answer 2

the correct answer is NOT B!! i tried it

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A. The Supreme Court more willingly accepted a larger role for the federal government.
B. The Supreme Court split into two courts to better handle cases.
C. The Supreme Court attacked New Deal programs more than ever.
D. The Supreme Court expanded to 11 members.

Student Answer: C

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A. Declaring a bank holiday to give banks time to get in order
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A. The Supreme Court had been striking down New Deal Programs as unconstitutional.
B. The Supreme Court was struggling under a heavy workload.
C. The Supreme Court was refusing to hear new cases.
D. The Supreme Court didn't consider his election valid.

Student Answer: B

Answer: Incorrect


5.A -that all I know the rest don't know the others

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I don´t know how to explain exactly, but I hope this helps:The Helsinki Final Act was an agreement signed by 35 nations that concluded the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. The Act addressed a range of global issues, and in doing so had a far-reaching effect on the Cold War and United States- Soviet Union relations. 

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Proclamation line proclamation line proclamation line
I agree with the other guy