What is reprodctive system​


Answer 1



It is the biological system made up of all the anatomical organs involved in sexual reproduction. Many non-living substances such as fluids, hormones, and pheromones are also important accessories to the reproductive system.

Answer 2


The reproductive system of an organism is the organ that helps with reproduction. It is important in animals and humans to produce offspring.

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Human growth hormone is a drug used to treat children suffering from endocrine deficiencies some athletes use it illegally to



Growth hormone is used for some athletes, illegaly, to increase muscle mass.


   Human growth hormone (GH) is produced by the pituitary gland (in the brain). This hormone is essential for providing physical growth. Deficiency in its production is responsible for dwarfism, that is, for the very short stature of some people. Overproduced, it causes acromegaly, for example, overgrowth of the feet, hands, ears and nose.

    Genetic problems, birth trauma or radiation due to tumors in the pituitary region may result in a lack of growth hormone and, consequently, a lack of production of IGF-1 (also essential for growth), impairing the child's physical development. Deficiency of these hormones will make her a dwarf.  

     Athletes take illegaly supraphysiological doses, that is, far above the body's need and develop acromegaly.  Excessive levels of this GH in the body not only disfigure the physiognomy and increase the extremities, but often lead to diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism, gynecomastia and even to cancer.

   GH is widely used by both athletes and physical activity practitioners to accelerate fatty acid oxidation and increase amino acid uptake. Since GH has anabolic and lipolytic action, some athletes use it in order to increase their muscle mass.

An HGH helps children with endocrine deficiencies because it helps them grow I knew a girl who had this and had to do the treatment because she couldn't grow properly. Athletes use it illegally to sometimes lose weight and to grow muscle it's another type of steroid. 

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Which type of white blood cell produces antibodies


A lymphocyte is a type of white blood cell that is part of the immune system. There are two main types of lymphocytes: B cells and T cells. The B cells produce antibodies that are used to attack invading bacteria, viruses, and toxins. The T cells destroy the body's own cells that have themselves been taken over by viruses or become cancerous.


B lymphocytes


They're part of the immune system and develop from stem cells in the bone marrow. Also referred to as B. Cell (Basophils)

which is the least severe form of heat illness heat cramps heat exhaustion heat fatigue or heat stroke


I would take heat cramps any day over anything else
 i'd go with heat fatigue because it makes the most sense cause the fact that if someone is fatigued by heat they'll still be fine and ok rather than all the others .

Green tea has high levels of ____. Question 3 options: sugar antioxidants free radicals toxins Prescription medications may deplete ____. Question 4 options: oxidants enzymes probiotics nutrients



Green tea has high levels of antioxidants: green tea is compound of polyphenols, catechin, which is a natural antioxidant that can be found in plants.

Prescription medications may deplete nutrients: This a fact, medications may deplete nutrients. This happens when a medication block or decrease the aborsption of nutrients, on increase nutrients use, in any case, they create a lack of nutrients in the system. Acetylcysteine (NAC) / glutathione, Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) are the most common nutrients depleted

For green tea (antioxidants) antioxidants stabilize the effects of free radicals. Prescription medicines may deplete nutrients.

Honore receives psychological testing. Although her intelligence falls in the low average range, a discrepancy is still identified between her achievement and intelligence test scores (such that achievement falls significantly below expectations based on intelligence). This discrepancy will likely be the basis for a diagnosis of _____.A. premenstrual dysphoric disorder
B. specific learning disorder
C. giftedness
D. intellectual disability


Answer: B. "Specific learning disorder"


A specific learning disorder is a type of disorder which is different from  intellectual development disorder. This disorder affects a child’s ability to acquire knowledge and intelligence.

Children's with this disorder have at least average intelligence and have difficulty in acquiring the academic skills as expected with the age.

A child may face impairment in decoding words and understanding the meaning of spelling or what he/she is reading, doing calculations, and mathematical reasoning which affects the achievments of the children.

Hence, the correct anser is B. "Specific learning disorder"