All of the following statements are true except one. Which one is FALSE?A
Tab "leaders" are special tab stops that let you align text containing numbers.
You can remove a tab stop by dragging its marker outside the ruler and releasing the mouse button.
The Center tab centers the text that follows the tab character under the tab stop.
The Right tab aligns the end of the text that comes after the tab character under the tab stop.


Answer 1




The Right tab aligns the end of the text that comes after the tab character under the tab stop.

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Angie is a student in library science, and she has expressed an interest in becoming a digital librarian, since she has read that this is the direction in which libraries are heading. She has asked you, her friend, for some advice on what she should study in order to appeal to the job market. What are some skills that you would suggest she develop? Name at least three, and explain why they are important for a job as a digital librarian.


typing skills where you can use keys on a key borad to make sentances also have good math and sciance skills and have lots of patientce and be able to program things


Skill #1  

Digital libraries allow public study and must be easy to access, so organizational skills are vital to this career. This is one of the reasons why we have digital libraries. They need to be quick and easy to access, so being unorganized would not help.

Skill #2

Technology skills are also essential. At times, your job also requires problem-solving skills and the initiative to update your knowledge through continuing education.

Skill #3

Your job duties include many of the same daily tasks of a traditional librarian, such as cataloging and maintaining accurate records, but you also ensure information is licensed properly, monitor budgets and expenditures, maintain vendor relationships, and supervise junior staff or assist in hiring. So basically being a leader or kinda like a manager.

Describe three different camera shots the director uses in Casablanca. What effect does each of these shots have on the plot, mood, etc. of the film?


The movie Casablanca was considered as the standard for Classic Hollywood Movies. Below are the three different camera shots used by the Director in the movie:
1. The point of View Shot: also referred as POV shot. It is the camera shot where it shows what the character or the subject looking at in the film.
2.  Wide Shot: it also termed by others as the long shot or full shot. In the movie, it is the shot from a distance so the people or the characters will appear as indistinct shapes.
3. High angle Shot: In the film, it is the type of shot wherein the camera is placed above the subject with its lens pointing downward to make the subject small. Typically used in horror movies.

What are some pros and cons of being a Computer Hardware Engineer?


Pros: Median salary is high (about $108,430), Employable in many different industries, like product manufacturing, computer systems design and scientific research.
Cons: Limited job growth, often requires long hours.

Which of the following is an example of a fixed expense clothing or rent or entertainment or food



Which is an example of fixed expense?

Rent is an example of fixed expense, It doesn't matter whether you sell a widget or produce thousand of them, you must still pay the rent in any 

Hope I helped.

Which of the following is NOT in the Clipboard group?a. Copy
b. Paste
c. Cut
d. Insert


insert i think this because i use b
clipboard a lot 

Consider the following code snippet: String[] data = { "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl" }; String [] data2; In Java 6 and later, which statement copies the data array to the data2 array?



String[] data2 = Arrays.copyOf(data, 4); is the statement which copies the data array to the data2 array in java 6 .


The Arrays.copyOf() function copies the data from first array to another array in java .We pass the two argument in this function  first argument is the name of first array and second the length of first array .

Following are the program in java  

import java.util.Arrays; // import package  

public class Main


public static void main(String[] args) // main function


String[] data = { "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl" }; // string declaration

// printing the array data1

 System.out.println("before copy new array:");

 for (int k = 0; k < data.length; k++)  




String[] data2 = Arrays.copyOf(data, 4);

 // printing the array data2

     System.out.println("after copy new array:");

     for (int k = 0; k < data2.length; k++)  





before copy new array:





after copy new array:



