Write a program that reads in 10 numbers from the user and stores them in a 1D array of size 10. Then, write BubbleSort to sort that array – continuously pushing the largest elements to the right side


Answer 1


The solution is provided in the explanation section.

Detailed explanation is provided using comments within the code


import java.util.*;

public class Main {

//The Bubble sort method

public static void bb_Sort(int[] arr) {  

   int n = 10; //Length of array  

   int temp = 0; // create a temporal variable  

   for(int i=0; i < n; i++){  

         for(int j=1; j < (n-i); j++){  

           if(arr[j-1] > arr[j]){  

               // The bubble sort algorithm swaps elements  

               temp = arr[j-1];  

               arr[j-1] = arr[j];  

               arr[j] = temp;  





 public static void main(String[] args) {

   //declaring the array of integers

   int [] array = new int[10];

   //Prompt user to add elements into the array

   Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

   //Use for loop to receive all 10 elements

   for(int i = 0; i<array.length; i++){

     System.out.println("Enter the next array Element");

     array[i] = in.nextInt();


   //Print the array elements before bubble sort

   System.out.println("The Array before bubble sort");


   //Call bubble sort method



   System.out.println("Array After Bubble Sort");  




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Write a function named minMax() that accepts three integers arguments from the keyboard and finds the smallest and largest integers. Include the function minMax() in a working program. Make sure your function is called from main().Test the function by passing various combinations of three integers to it.



public class Main


public static void main(String[] args) {

 minMax(1, 2, 3);

 minMax(100, 25, 33);

 minMax(11, 222, 37);


public static void minMax(int n1, int n2, int n3){

    int max, min;

    if(n1 >= n2 && n1 >= n3){

        max = n1;


    else if(n2 >= n1 && n2 >= n3){

        max = n2;



        max = n3;



    if(n1 <= n2 && n1 <= n3){

        min = n1;


    else if(n2 <= n1 && n2 <= n3){

        min = n2;



        min = n3;


    System.out.println("The max is " + max + "\nThe min is " + min);    




*The code is in Java.

Create a function named minMax() that takes three integers, n1, n2 and n3

Inside the function:

Declare the min and max

Check if n1 is greater than or equal to n2 and n3. If it is set it as max. If not, check if n2 is greater than or equal to n1 and n3. If it is set it as max. Otherwise, set n3 as max

Check if n1 is smaller than or equal to n2 and n3. If it is set it as min. If not, check if n2 is smaller than or equal to n1 and n3. If it is set it as min. Otherwise, set n3 as min

Print the max and min

Inside the main:

Call the minMax() with different combinations

Assume hosts A and B are each connected to a switch Svia 100-Mbps links. The propagation delay on each link is 25μs. The switch Sis a store-and-forward device and it requires a delay of 35μs to process a packet after is has received the last bit in the packet. Calculate the total time required to transmit 40,000 bits from Ato B in the following scenarios. (The total time is measured from the start of the transmission of the first bit at A, until the last bit is received at B. We always assume that links are bi-directional with the same transmission rate and propagation delay in each direction unless specifically instructed otherwise.)



885 μs


Given that:

Switch via = 100 Mbps links

The propagation delay for each link = 25μs.

Retransmitting a received packet = 35μs

To determine:

The total time required to transmit 40,000 bits from A to B.

Considering the fact as a single packet:

Transmit Delay / link = size/bandwith

= 4×10⁴ bits / 100 × 10⁶ bits/sec

= 400 μs

The total transmission time = ( 2 × 400 + 2 × 25 + 35) μs

= (800 + 50 + 35) μs

= 885 μs

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