When you whisper, you produce a 10-dB sound.a. When you speak quietly, your voice sounds twice as loud as a whisper. How many decibels is this?
b. When you speak normally, your voice sounds 4 times as loud as a whisper. How many decibels is this?
c. When you yell, your voice sounds 8 times as loud as a whisper. How many decibels is this?


Answer 1
Answer: All you would do is for a, 10 times 2 is 20 so it would be 20-dB
For b, 10 times 4 is 40 so it would be 40-dB
For c, 10 times 8 is 80 so it would be 80-dB

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Total resistance = voltage / current = 220 / 5 = 44 ohms .

Even one 176-ohm resistor is too much.  The current through it is 1.25 A,
and more than one of them in series reduces the current even further.

Connecting them in parallel, however . . .

Four resistors of 176-ohms each, in parallel, have a net effective resistance
of 176/4 = 44 ohms ... exactly what you need to do the job.

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A black hole is a star that has completely collapsed in on itself.

what is conduction, convection and infrared radiation in relation to heat transfers?


Conduction . . . . .
You put a spoon into a cup of really hot coffee.  After a couple of minutes,
the top of the spoon is too hot to handle.  The spoon CONDUCTED the heat
from the hot liquid up to the other end. 
No material moved. The heat just flowed through the material.

Convection . . . . .
You put a pot of cold water on the stove and turn on the heat.  The flame
heats the water at the bottom of the pot.  The heated water rises from the
bottom, and cold water from the top sinks to the bottom.  Hot fluid rising,
cold fluid sinking, that's CONVECTION.
Material moved, carrying heat from place to place with it.

Radiation . . . . .
-- You come into the house on a cold day, and there's a fireplace burning
across the room.  Looking at the fire, you feel heat on your face, but not on
your back, and the room is still cold.
-- The sun produces a lot of heat. Somehow, it gets to the Earth, although
there's nothing in space to carry it.
-- Heat, light, and radio don't need anything to carry them. They can RADIATE
through empty space, as electromagnetic waves.
When the waves are heat, they're called Infrared waves.

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La densidad del metal disminuye a medida que se calienta . Piense en el agua . Cuando hace frío , se convierte en hielo , lo cual es muy densa . Cuando hace calor , se evapora en gas , que no es denso. 

Espero que esto no es confuso , yo no soy un hablante nativo de español .

Find the sum. Express the answer in scientific notation. (1.54 x 10^6)+(6.15 x 10^6)​



{ \tt{(1.54 *  {10}^(6)) + (6.15 *  {10}^(6))  }} \n =  { \tt{(1.54 + 6.15) *  {10}^(6) }} \n  = { \tt{7.69 *  {10}^(6) }}

As a tile falls from the roof of a building to the ground its momentum is conserved.


No it isn't.
Gravity does work on the tile, causing its momentum
and its kinetic energy to increase.

Gravity works on tiles.

Further Explanation

Gravity or gravity is the attraction that occurs between all particles that have mass in the universe. Sun's gravity causes celestial bodies to be in their respective orbits around the sun. Modern physics describes gravity using Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, but Newton's simpler universal law of gravity is a fairly accurate estimate in many cases.

For example, the earth which has a very large mass produces a very large gravitational force to attract objects around it, including living things, and objects that exist on earth. This gravitational force also attracts objects in space, such as the moon, meteors, and other celestial bodies, including man-made satellites.

Kinetic energy or motion energy (also called kinetic energy) is the energy possessed by an object because of its motion.

The kinetic energy of an object is defined as the effort needed to move an object with a certain mass from rest to a certain speed.

The kinetic energy of an object is equal to the amount of effort required to express its speed and rotation, starting from the others.

Modern research in the theory of gravity began with the work of Galileo Galilei in the late 16th century and early 17th century. With the results of his experiments dropping the ball from the Tower of Pisa, and then also measuring the ball sliding through the slope, Galileo showed that the magnitude of gravitational acceleration was the same for all objects. This is a big advance from Aristotle's earlier belief that heavier objects have greater gravitational acceleration.

Learn more

Gravity brainly.com/question/1163482


Grade:  High School

Subject:  Physics

keywords: momentum, gravity, energy, kinetic.