True Or false?
The American Indian population increased during de soto’s expedition.


Answer 1


That statement is false.


Many of the members of De Soto's expedition were carriers of diseases such as measles, smallpox, and chicken pox. Very few of American Indian have resistance to the disease because they never exist near their environment before.

As a result, the Infections ran rampant in the American Indian's community.

Since they did not have a medical knowledge to deal with it, the contagion resulted in a lot of deaths. Massively decreased American Indian's population.

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In economics, monetary base refers to the volume of money created by the Federal Reserve - that is, currency and bank reserves held by financial entities or deposited in the Federal Reserve.

The monetary base is divided into classifications by macroeconomic theory, which vary according to complexity.

M0 = Restricted Monetary Base = currency issued (paper currency and metallic currency) + bank reserves (currency held by financial institutions and their deposits with the Central Bank);

M1 = currency held by the public (paper money and coin) + demand deposits in commercial banks. M1 is the total currency that does not yield interest and is of immediate liquidity.

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To assess personality, behaviorists prefer _______.a. observation
b. interviews
c. objective tests
d. projective tests


Answer:a, observations


They believe that people are changed by their surrounding environment and to see if there are any changes one has to observe their behaviours.

Final answer:

Behaviorists prefer assessment through option A) observation because it aligns with their focus on measurable behaviors. This preference stands in contrast to using self-report inventories or projective tests that explore internal thoughts and feelings which are less observable.


To assess personality, behaviorists prefer option A) observation. Behaviorists focus on observable and measurable behaviors rather than internal thoughts and feelings. When assessing personalities, behaviorists often employ observational techniques because they are direct methods of assessing how individuals interact with their environment.

While there are various tools to evaluate personality, such as the self-report inventory, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), these are not typically used by behaviorists. On the other hand, projective tests like the Rorschach Inkblot Test or the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) assess unconscious processes and are also not primary methods used by behaviorists who prefer clear, observable data.

In terms of research techniques, someone like a symbolic interactionist would likely use participant observation, whereas a personality psychologist may be interested in employing various methods, such as personality assessments, to determine the best employee fit for a job.

Learn more about Behaviorist Assessment Preference here:


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The Mongols established a political system that was  decentralized  in their conquered areas of Central Asia, India, and Southwest Asia, known as the Mongol Empire.

What is political system?

A political system is a set of institutions, laws, and processes that governs a society or a state. It defines how power is distributed, exercised, and controlled in a particular political unit, and it provides a framework for decision-making, policy-making, and governance.

Political systems can be democratic, authoritarian, or somewhere in between, and they can vary in terms of the degree of representation, accountability, and legitimacy that they offer to their citizens.

The Mongols established a decentralized political system which was characterized by a highly hierarchical and centralized military administration that allowed for local autonomy and cultural diversity.

Learn more about political system here:


a fiefdom is the answer