ASAP 30 POINTS What do you think makes a speech boring? Explain your answer.


Answer 1


speeches are boring in general tbh


Answer 2


Here's a sample response.

A speech becomes boring when it is repetitive or if it is of a subject that does not pertain to the audience. In addition, if a speaker talks in the same monotone voice or has little movement or gestures, it causes the audience to loose interest. One's environment may cause boredom as well. For example, if the audience members are left in a bland environment or the speaker leaves little to focus on, the audience looses interest and becomes bored. In addition, if the speaker doesn't adapt the way they speak to fit with the audience, the audience will become confused. For example, if one is talking about inter-molecular organisms to a person who doesn’t know anything about them, the audience will become confused and loose interest.

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These workers weren't getting enough, such as money. They were heavily underpaid and worked in dangerous conditions, they eventually got tired of it.


Hope this helps


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1. waves of the sea                                    4  wealth of rich man

2. grass and flowers                                   2 the Word of God

3. forest fire                                                 3 tongue

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5. gives birth to death                                 7 sin

6. adultery                                                    1 doubting man

7. mirror                                                       6 friendship with world



Final answer:

The student's question involves matching metaphorical descriptions from Biblical texts to their symbolic meanings, analyzing the comparison between instability and the sea, life's brevity and flowers, speech's impact and fire, and material wealth and spiritual wisdom.


The student has presented an exercise likely from a literature or English class, where metaphorical descriptions in Biblical texts are being matched with their symbolic meanings. Through interpreting these metaphors, one can better understand the literary devices used in the scripture.

  1. The doubting man can be represented by waves of the sea, showing instability and inconstancy.
  2. The mirror can be matched with grass and flowers, symbolizing the ephemeral nature of life and beauty.
  3. The tongue is likened to a forest fire, emphasizing the power of speech to cause widespread impact.
  4. The wealth of the rich man is contrasted with the Word of God, highlighting the transient nature of material wealth in comparison to the enduring quality of spiritual wisdom.

Learn more about Biblical Metaphors here:


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An example is color freezibg point

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From the choices, the correct answer is letter A) both sustainability and technological efficiency. It has to go both since it is important to consider the sustainability and efficiency of things.

A) both sustainability and technological efficiency.
B) productivity and economic prosperity in developing nations.
C) the development of abundant and inexpensive fossil fuels such as shale gas.
D) additional exploration of shale oil and natural gas resources.

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