How was the process used to construct the tree of life by Carl Woese different from the process used by Jill Banfield?


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

  • Carl Woese used ribosomal RNA genes to study the evolution of living beings. He used these genes because they are present in all organisms, and they all have the same function. The nucleotide sequences change very little, giving a real evolutive vision. Woese compared ribosomal genes among different living beings. The sharper the sequence variation is among two organisms, the bigger the evolutive divergence is. This divergence drowned in a phylogenetic tree shows three well-differentiated domains: Archea, Bacteria, and Eukarya.
  • Jillian Banfield used genes from 16 ribosomal proteins from many different unknown microorganism species. She and her team used metagenomic methods that are the simultaneous analysis of multiple genomes belonging to many organisms in the same sample. These methods allowed detecting different organisms, even when these were neither previously observed nor lab-cultivated. The comparison among these new genomes with many others already known made a place for the construction of a new and more detailed tree of life where many new branches emerged from the three domains.

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Extinction to different animal species, could vause forest fires and destroy animal habotats therefor becoming extinct, could over heat water causing algae to form on the top not letting sunlight through for plants to photosynthesize which doesnt give fish the nutrients they need to survive.
2 possible outcomes of global warming is climate change and rising temperatures as well. Hoped that helped!!!

Why do hydrogen bonds form between water molecules?



In water molecules the oxygen atom attracts the negatively charged electrons more strongly than the hydrogen. This gives water an asymmetrical distribution of charge so that it is a polar molecule. ... Because the water molecules are small, many of them can surround one molecule of the solute and form hydrogen bonds.


Final answer:

Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules due to the charge instability within the molecule caused by the difference in electronegativity between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms. These bonds lead to the unique behavior of water in its various states.


Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules due to the polar nature of a water molecule. The oxygen atom in water molecules is more electronegative, pulling the shared electron closer resulting in a slight negative charge. Conversely, the hydrogen atoms end up with a slight positive charge. These charges lead to a hydrogen bond when the slightly positive hydrogen atom of one water molecule is attracted to the slightly negative oxygen atom of another water molecule.

Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent or ionic bonds, but their large numbers in water lead to significant effects. They help maintain the liquid state of water at room temperature, among other unique properties. Hydrogen bonds aren't exclusive to water molecules; they can also be observed in DNA structure and protein formation.

Learn more about Hydrogen bonds here:


Which of the following makes up the dense outer layer of bone?a. compact bone
b. spongy bone
c. bone marrow
d. periosteum


The answer to the question is

A. compact bone

Compact bone is dense and hard, which makes it strong. Spongy bone, further inside, has many gaps and is lightweight. This allows bone to be strong and light at the same time.
The answer to your question is the compact bone .

A young man wants to determine if he is a descendant of Henry of Navarre and Eleanor of Aquitainetwo of his favorite historical characters. He sends a cheek swab to a DTC company and is offered a choice (due to funding): The company can assess either the sequence of the man's Y chromosome or his mitochondrial DNA. Which should he choose?



He should get his mitochondrial haplotype sequenced, given the genetic variation in mitochondrial sequences compared to Y chromosomes.


A haplotype is a group of genes within an organism that was inherited together from a single parent. The word "haplotype" is derived from the word "haploid," which describes cells with only one set of chromosomes, and from the word "genotype," which refers to the genetic makeup of an organism.

Genetic variation is a term used to describe the variation in the DNA sequence in each of our genomes. Genetic variation is what makes us all unique, whether in terms of hair color, skin color or even the shape of our faces.

The typical metazoan mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is a double-stranded circular DNA molecule, which encodes a conserved set of 37 genes, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) plus the two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes and 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes.

This, together with other special characteristics such as faster evolutionary rates than nuclear genes, presumed maternal inheritance, and absence of recombination makes mitochondrial DNAs one of the most popular targets for population genetics studies and accurate identification.

Explain how a species can evolve through natural selection.


Different members of a species may have different traits, and some will be better than others in helping the organism survive. Basically, the traits that help one survive will let it live on to pass that trait to its offspring, but the organisms with traits that make life harder or possible will not live to be passed on.
So with natural selection, NATURe SELECTs the best-fit organisms of a species to live. Over time as the bad traits die off and the good ones prosper, that's them evolving

So in an enviroment the ones with a better adaptations will survive and pass on thier traits to the next generation. If a group of rabits have smaller feet and hop faster than other jack rabbits, then they will survive when chased by predators, and pass on thier traits, while others would get eaten. Over time the generations would have more rabbits with small feet and faster speeds until all rabbits have that trait.  

Establishment of communities in newly formed environments, such as volcanic lava flows or sand bars, is called __________. Development of new communities in disturbed environments, such as a burned or clear cut forest, is called __________. A. tertiary succession, primary succession B. secondary succession, primary succession C. secondary succession, tertiary succession D. primary succession, secondary succession


The right option is; D

Establishment of communities in newly formed environments, such as volcanic lava flows or sand bars, is called primary succession. Development of new communities in disturbed environments, such as a burned or clear cut forest, is called secondary succession.

Primary succession is a type of ecological succession (changes) which occurs when communities of organisms establish new habitat in areas that are not capable of sustaining life due to various events such as volcanic lava flows, sand bars, oil spills, flooding, and landslides.

Secondary succession occurs when a smaller scale disturbance such as forest fire affect a stable existing ecosystem. Such disturbances support the reappearance of life because it does not remove all organisms and nutrients from the existing ecosystem.  


D. primary succession, secondary succession
