What was Upton Sinclair’s main purpose in writing The Jungle?to promote the socialist views that he adopted as an adult
to explain why journalists had an obligation to tell the truth
to arouse public sympathy for slaughterhouse workers
to prompt Congress to pass food-safety laws


Answer 1

Upton Sinclair’s purpose in writing The Jungle was to arouse public sympathy for slaughterhouse workers.

  • The Jungle by Upton Sinclair pointed out the violations of meatpacking production.
  • The book looked upon the worker's condition in the factories.
  • The book also focuses on poor sanitation and hygiene.
  • Workers in factories were given less wages with no sanitation.

Therefore we can conclude that Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle looked upon the condition of the workers working in meatpacking factories.

Thus option C. is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Upton Sinclair" here:


Answer 2


it's C


right on edge2020

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Delhi sultanate— impact on its society ? Hindu Caste system— Impact on it’s society?

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Answer: Delhi Sultanate was the first Muslim State of India.

The Delhi Sultanate was founded in 1206, during the decline of the Persian-born Gurgid dynasty that had conquered the region in northern India. In the wake of the collapse of this empire, the Cumano-Kipchaq Mamluk Qutb-ud-din Aibak, former slave of the last King Gurida, established his kingdom centered in the city of Delhi, from where the sultanate bears the name.

The division of society into caste is determined from heredity. The castes are defined according to the social position that certain Hindu families occupy. Factor that establishes a type of social "hierarchy" marked by privileges and duties.

People who were not part of any of the castes were called outcasts or untouchables. Excluded people who were tasked with doing the most deplorable work, those rejected by individuals in any of the castes.

This system has as its main feature social segregation, determining the role of people within Indian society.

Such segregation results in social inequality, which is explained by the fact that an individual cannot ascend to a higher caste.

The Mughal Empire dominated most of northern India from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. The Mughal rulers practiced the Muslim religion, but most of the population they governed practiced Hinduism. Even so, the Mughals succeeded in their domain. They worked to bring Muslims closer to Hindus in a united India.

Document Analysis DBQObjective: Students will learn how the Stamp Act affected colonists.
Related benchmarks:
SS.8.A.3.2 Explain American colonial reaction to British policy from 1763 - 1774. .
SS.8.A.3.5 Describe the influence of individuals on social and political developments during the Revolutionary era.
SS.8.A.3.6 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the American Revolution.

Essential Question/Guiding question
Was it fair for the British to tax the colonists? Why or why not?

Task Directions

Today you will look at documents (sources) to determine how the Stamp Act impacted the colonists.

For this assignment, you will read one document at a time and answer text-dependent questions.

Documents on the Stamp Act

Document A—The Stamp Act (excerpts) passed by Parliament on March 22, 1765
AN ACT for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America, towards further defraying (to pay) the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same; and for amending such parts of the several acts of parliament relating to the trade and revenues of the said colonies and plantations, . . .
For every . . . sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be . . . written, or printed:

Item taxed Amount of Tax
. . . any . . . pleading in any court. . . . 3 pence
. . . any copy of any will. . . . 6 pence
. . . any . . . certificate of any degree taken in any university, academy, college, or seminary of learning. . . 2 pounds
. . . any . . . deed. . . . 3 pence
. . . any pleading in an admiralty court 1 shilling
. . . bill of lading (document used to transport goods) to be signed for goods exported 4 pence
. . . And for and upon every pack of playing cards, 1 shillings
and all pair of dice. . . . 10 shillings
. . . And for and upon every paper, commonly called a pamphlet, and upon every newspaper. . . .
(Varied depending upon the number of pages) ½ to less than full sheet ½ pence
1-6 sheets would be 1 shilling per sheet
. . . For every advertisement to be contained in any . . . newspaper . . . 2 shillings
. . . For every . . . calendar or almanac . . .
(Depended on how often it was printed) 4 pence
**Note: 1 pound equals about $200 today/20 shillings equals a pound/1 shilling would equal about $10.00/12 pence equals 1 shilling/1 pence equals about 80 cents

Document A Analysis—remember to paraphrase from the documents
1. What is the source of the document? Is it a primary or secondary source? Explain.

2. What was the purpose of the Stamp Act, according to the document?

3. A colonist purchased a pair of dice, a 4 page newspaper, and placed an ad to sell a product in a newspaper. How much in today’s money would that have cost?

Document B: Taxation in Colonial America by Alvin Rabushka

Year National Debt Government Revenue Government Spending
1739 £46,954,623 £5,820,000 £5,210,000
1748 £78,293,313 £7,199,000 £11,943,000
1755 £74,571,849 £6,938,000 £7,119,000
1762 £146,682,844 £9,459,000 £20,040,000
1775 £135,943,051 £11,112,000 £10,365,000
Source: Alvin Rabushka, Taxation in Colonial America, 725. Princeton University Press, 2008.

Alvin Rabushka is the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow (emeritus) at the Hoover Institution. He is an expert on taxation. His books and articles on the flat tax, with Hoover fellow Robert Hall, have provided the foundation for numerous tax reform bills. His book Taxation in Colonial America released by (Princeton University Press, 2008), won the Fraunces Tavern Museum Special Recognition Book Award in 2009.

British debt doubled as a result of the French and Indian War. The annual cost of maintaining the British army in the thirteen colonies before the war was £13,000. The additional 15 battalions (large number of troops) in North America after the war increased the cost to £220,000. Interest on the debt was £4.4 million per year so just paying the interest concerned King George III and Parliament. The colonies opposed paying for their own defense so Parliament passed a tax to raise revenue to make the colonists provide for their common defense. The tax was called the Stamp Act because it required a stamp to be placed on all printed materials purchased throughout the thirteen colonies. The total amount intended to be raised by the new tax was £60,000 per year, this is not even 20% of the total amount required to maintain the troops.

Document B Analysis—Study the chart and reading to answer the questions. Remember to paraphrase.
1. What is the source of the document? Is it a primary or secondary source? Explain.

2. How did the French and Indian War impact British debt?

3. What was the exact difference in pounds in the debt between 1755 and 1762?

4. How much did it cost to keep British troops in the colonies after the war?



The defeat of the British at the Battle of Fort Duquesne sparked the French and Indian War. The British attacked the French trading fort known as Fort Duquesne on September 14, 1758 (not 1755). This fort, and others, had been constructed in 1754 by the French in the Ohio River Valley as part of their strategy to expand their profitable fur trade, which was based in present-day Canada. The British, however, objected to this usurpation of what they considered was their territory, and, as a result, the Prime Minister, William Pitt, sent General John Forbes and 6,000 soldiers to gain control of the fort. During a reconnaissance mission, Major James Grant and his soldiers tried to attack the fort, but they were defeated by the French and his Indian allies. Aware of their numerical disadvantage, the French decided to retreat, not without burning Fort Duquesne first. Once they eventually left the Ohio Valley, the British built Fort Pitt on the site.



For questions about Document A, here are the answers


1. What is the source of the document?  Is it a primary or secondary source? Explain.

Well, since it was taken FROM the official Stamp Act document it’s a primary source. You know this piece of text is taken from the document because it’s labeled as an “excerpt” at the top.

2. What was the purpose of the Stamp Act, according to the document?

The Stamp Act was “AN ACT for granting and applying certain stamp duties”.

3.  A colonist purchased a pair of dice, a 4-page newspaper, and placed an ad to sell a product in a newspaper. How much in today’s money would that have cost?

You can purchase the following items at these prices. A pair of 6-sided dice 19mm would cost you roughly $8.65. A 4-page newspaper usually goes for around $1.00. Lastly, the most expensive of the purchases would be an ad in the newspaper which costs roughly $12 per inch of newspaper used, meaning that a normal 4-inch by 4-inch ad would cost you $192.00. Assuming that this is exactly what you bought you would end up paying a total of 8.65 + 1.00 + 192.00 = $201.65  

What did Qin shi huang believe in ?



Your answer is: Immortality


He was obsessed with immortality (Living Long). He would eat (consume) things like cinnabar (toxic mercury sulfide mineral) because he thought it would make him live longer. Even though he was taking mercury thinking he was going to live longer, it was actually killing him slowing, because mercury is poisonous.

Hope this helped : )



Explanation: cause im smart