Why can yeast be considered a parasite?


Answer 1
Answer: Yeast are also found on the surface of the skin and in the intestinal tracts of warm-blooded animals, where they may live symbiotically or as parasites. The common "yeast infection" is typically caused by Candida albicans.

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Which is the odd hormone insulin cortisol calcitonin glucagon?



The odd hormone insulin Cortisol  


Cortisol is known as the odd hormone because it is release when someone stressed and it interfer the brain activity by making the person feels like blank. The low cortisol level causes decrease appettite, fatigue, weightloss, different skin problem, low blood sugar and many more. The high level of cortisol causes the weight gain, acne, muscle weakness, thinning skin, flused face and other type of causes.

Final answer:

Among insulin, cortisol, glucagon, and calcitonin, cortisol is the 'odd one out'. It is classified as a corticosteroid, whereas the others are peptide hormones.


The odd hormone in the list of insulin, cortisol, glucagon, and calcitonin, is cortisol. While insulin, glucagon, and calcitonin are all peptide hormones, cortisol is a corticosteroid, a different type of hormone, released by the adrenal cortex in response to long-term stress. Insulin is produced by the beta cells of the pancreatic islets and regulates blood glucose levels. Glucagon, produced by alpha cells of the pancreas, also helps in regulating blood glucose levels. Calcitonin is a hormone produced by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland and functions to lower blood calcium levels. Though all these hormones play integral roles in the body, cortisol, as a corticosteroid, is structurally and functionally different from the others, making it the 'odd one out'.

Learn more about Cortisol here:



which properties of water plays an important role in the movement of water from the roots to the leaves in plants?


1) It's Surface Tension

2) Solubility

3) Polarity

A teacher makes the analogy that stem cell research did for medicine what the Internet did for communication. What is meant by this analogy?


Internet has changed the nature of communication, making one kind of communication faster, more efficient and more universal (international). However, people find some aspects of Internet as a communication medium controversial, as they say that it stops people from interaction face to face.

Stem cell research has changed the nature of medicine, making one kind of research in medicine faster, more efficient and more powerfull. However, people find some aspects of stem cell research controversial, as they say that involves experimenting with human embryos.

If I were to summarize, I would say that both stem cell research and Internet introduced a step in a new direction, one that is very prolific and will likely develop further.


B. Stem cell research led to a huge leap in medical science.


Scientists are able to create specially designed bacteria that decompose toxic waste.True


Indeed they are, because that is called cloning, and then modifying it. =)
I hope I helped! =D




No matter what the cell type, prokaryotic or eukaryotic, plant or animal, the ____________ forms a protective barrier between the exterior environment and the interior of the cell.a. cell wall
b. cytoskeleton
c. cell membrane
d. glycoproteins


c. cell membrane forms a protective barrier between the exterior environment and the interior of the cell.

Cell membranes contain membrane proteins that allows all the interaction that occurs within the cell. It makes the cell membrane selectively permeable because of its characteristics as being fluid or its fluidity which means to say that they can move freely within the lipid bilayer. The membrane proteins can also be stored in the lipid bilayer together with the enzymes. It cannot be denied that membrane proteins have a lot of functions based on its type. They can be integral proteins, peripheral proteins and lipid bound proteins.

The most common example of shared characteristics among different types of cells is the cell membrane. Every cell is enclosed by a cell membrane which protects the cell from its surroundings by separating the interior components from the exterior ones.

Further Explanation:

A cell membrane is permeable to selective molecules which means only particular substances can traverse the membrane. The essential molecules are allowed to enter whereas the toxic or non-essential molecules are excreted out of the cell through the cell membrane.

The phospholipids are arranged in a bilayer to form a cell membrane. It also contains the cholesterol present in between phospholipids and maintains the fluidity at different temperatures. The membrane also contains integral and peripheral proteins that help in the transport of materials and maintain the structure and shape of the cell respectively. Glycoproteins are also attached covalently to the membrane and help in cell-cell recognition, cell adhesion, and also serve as receptors for other molecules.

Apart from the cell membrane, certain cells also contain cell walls which surround the cell membrane. It is present in plants, bacteria, and fungi and prevents the over-expansion of the cell. In plants, the cell wall helps in providing turgidity to the cell and also maintains the shape and structure of the cell whereas, humans are devoid of cell walls instead they contain cell membranes.

A cytoskeleton is not a protective barrier for the cell but provides rigidity to the cell and is present in the cytoplasm of the cell. Its main function to provide rigidity to the cell and resistance against deformation by associating with other proteins and connective tissues. It also helps in the transport of material within the cytoplasm and also helps in cell signaling.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about hormone brainly.com/question/892851
  2. Learn more about reproduction brainly.com/question/1166264
  3. Learn more about lymphatic system brainly.com/question/2909254

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: The Cell Membrane


Cell membrane, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, cell wall, glycoproteins, phospholipid bilayer, cholesterol, glycoproteins, integral proteins, peripheral proteins, cell recognition, cell adhesion, cell signaling.


How does phototropism benefit plants


Phototropism benefits plants by allowing them to grow towards a light source, maximizing their exposure to sunlight for photosynthesis.

Phototropism is light-induced plant growth. It helps plants adapt in several ways. First, phototropism helps plants maximise sunshine exposure, which is essential for photosynthesis. Plants can maximise light absorption and photosynthetic efficiency by bending or growing towards light.

Phototropism aids plant light competition. Plants compete for light in dense vegetation or woods. Plants can maximise sunlight and minimise shadowing from neighbouring plants by growing towards light.

Phototropism helps plants maximise light energy use, growth, and survival in their ecological niche.

Learn more about Phototropism, here:



Phototropism is the activity of the plants where they become orientated towards the area where the sunlight is. This helps the plant get enough food and energy to carry out photosynthesis.