Please research and find out about the MAJOR architectural achievements of the Roman REPUBLIC (509 BC – 27AD)write a few lines (2-3). Name some important buildings and constructions,


Answer 1


Aqueducts of Rome, the Baths of Diocletian and the Baths of Caracalla, the basilicas and Colosseum.


Aqueducts of Rome, the Baths of Diocletian and the Baths of Caracalla, the basilicas and Colosseum are the major architectural achievements of the Roman republic. These wonderful architecture were build from 509 BC – 27 AD which reminds us the glory and golden days of roman republic. These architectures are unique because they were made in those days when there was no technology present.

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1. **Economic Dominance:** Hegemonic states typically have a strong and dynamic economy, often characterized by a high GDP and significant influence in international financial institutions. They may control key global industries, set international economic policies, and have a currency that is widely used in international trade and finance.

2. **Military Strength:** Hegemonic states possess a formidable military capability, including advanced weaponry, a strong defense infrastructure, and often, a global military presence. This military power allows them to assert their interests and protect their allies on a global scale.

3. **Cultural and Ideological Influence:** Hegemonic states often exert significant cultural and ideological influence through their media, educational institutions, and popular culture. They promote their values, norms, and way of life, which can have a global impact on politics, economics, and social issues.

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1. Dorothea Schlosser was able to live a relatively normal life despite her jewish heritage because she had the Aryan documents that is from her father that gave her the privilege to live normally. In doing this, the part of her having a jewish heritage is being disregarded because of the documents that she takes a hold of.


A. She had Aryan documents from her father.


In an autocracy, what kind of power does the leader hold?


Omg your on am computer quiz I know that because iv answered the same question and the answer is A by the way lol il save you the trouble
In an autocracy absolute power is in the hands of one single person. Who that is, depends on the political structure of a country. It could be a king or Emperor like Louis XIV of France of any of the Czars of Russia, a Communist Party Secretary like Stalin in Russia, or (today most commonly) a president like Mugabe in Zimbabwe or Kim in North Korea.

Match James's description with the following items. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column. 1 . doubting man waves of the sea 2 . mirror grass and flowers 3 . tongue forest fire 4 . wealth of rich man the Word of God



1. waves of the sea                                    4  wealth of rich man

2. grass and flowers                                   2 the Word of God

3. forest fire                                                 3 tongue

4. vapor of smoke                                       5 boasting of businessman

5. gives birth to death                                 7 sin

6. adultery                                                    1 doubting man

7. mirror                                                       6 friendship with world



Final answer:

The student's question involves matching metaphorical descriptions from Biblical texts to their symbolic meanings, analyzing the comparison between instability and the sea, life's brevity and flowers, speech's impact and fire, and material wealth and spiritual wisdom.


The student has presented an exercise likely from a literature or English class, where metaphorical descriptions in Biblical texts are being matched with their symbolic meanings. Through interpreting these metaphors, one can better understand the literary devices used in the scripture.

  1. The doubting man can be represented by waves of the sea, showing instability and inconstancy.
  2. The mirror can be matched with grass and flowers, symbolizing the ephemeral nature of life and beauty.
  3. The tongue is likened to a forest fire, emphasizing the power of speech to cause widespread impact.
  4. The wealth of the rich man is contrasted with the Word of God, highlighting the transient nature of material wealth in comparison to the enduring quality of spiritual wisdom.

Learn more about Biblical Metaphors here:


According to opinion polls and social-science research, more than half of workers in the United States are satisfied with their jobs. TRUE or FALSE


The answer is TRUE. According to the opinion polls and social science research, more than half of the workers in the United States are satisfied with their jobs.That's about eighty-nine percent according to the Pew Social Trends Organization Website. Fifty-three percent of the workers find their sense of identity with their jobs.