The price per acre was low because the Congress wanted ___ to be able to buy the land.


Answer 1

Answer: Individuals.

The price per acre was low because the Congress wanted individuals to be able to buy the land.

Answer 2




The price per acre was low because the Congress wanted economize to be able to buy the land.

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Whats hola mean in spanish


Hello or hi which mean hola in Spanish

Answer: hi o hello


Los vecinos viven frente a mi casa nos invitaron a una fiesta en un salón de fiestas muy elegante. están celebrando es su aniversario de bodas. Aurora y Ana, son mis amigas de la escuela, van a ir también a la fiesta. La fiesta están organizando va a ser muy divertida. Marcela y Luis, son nuestros vecinos, están haciendo la comida. Yo puedo usar el carro de mi hermano, a se lo regalaron en Navidad.


Answer: The neighbors that live in front of my house invited us to a party in a very elegant party room. They are celebrating their wedding anniversary. Aurora and Ana, they are my friends from school, they will also go to the party. The party they are organizing is going to be fun. Marcela and Luis, our neighbors, are making food. I can use my brother's car, they gave it to him at Christmas.

Explanation: I think you wanted me to translate it so i did the best I could.

Can a native Spanish-speaker check my work for errors in spelling, grammar, verb form, or just places where it doesn't make sense? Thanks!La semana pasada visité la tienda de ropa para comprar ropa para mí y para mi madre. Compré camisetas, calcetines y una blusa nueva. Para mi mamá, compré una falda, un vestido, un abrigo y pantalones. La ropa es barata, así que la compré mucho. Luego, visité la zapatería para buscar zapatos nuevos para mi hermano. Compré zapatillas negras y calcetines para sus deportes. Visité la joyería y le compré un nuevo reloj a mi padre. Mientras estuve allí me compré un collar. Llegué a mi casa después de seis horas de compras. ¡La ropa que compré para mi madre se ve bien!



La ropa es barata, así que le compré mucha.

Explanation: The indirect object pronoun is "le" that means to her (your mother). "Ropa" is a feminine noun, so its pronoun must agree. Mucha ropa.

Le compré zapatillas negras y calcetines para sus deportes.

Explanation: Missing the indirect object pronoun, "Le" that means to him (your brother).

Visité la joyería y le compré un reloj nuevo a mi padre.

Explanation: In Spanish, adjectives are usually after the noun.

Mientras estaba allí me compré un collar.

Explanation: "Mientras"; it indicates that the action was developing, so the verb must be conjugated in the imperfect "estaba" and the other action that happened once is correct in the preterite (compré).

¡La ropa que compré para mi madre le queda bien!  

Explanation: The indirect object pronoun is "le" that means to her (your mother).


Last week, I visited the clothing store to buy clothes for myself and my mother. I bought t-shirts, socks and a new blouse. For my mom, I bought a skirt, a dress, a coat and pants. The clothes are cheap, so I bought a lot for her. Then, I visited the shoe store to look for new shoes for my brother. I bought him black sneakers and socks for his sports. I visited the jewelry shop and bought a new watch for my father. While I was there I bought a necklace. I got home after six hours of shopping. The clothes I bought for my mother look good on her!


“así que la compre mucho” should be “así que compre mucho”. “La ropa que compré para mi madre se le ve bien a ella”

Which of the following people quoted in the article would MOST LIKELY agree with the idea that mainstreaming Day of the Dead could take away from the holiday’s significance? Chucho Rodriguez
Lucy Rendler-Kaplan
Luis Fitch
Cesareo Moreno


Answer: Luis Fitch.
I think it’s right


Chucho Rodríguez.