The most likely place for the United States to expand in the early 1800s wasinto Canada.

into Mexico.

west of the Mississippi.

east of the Mississippi.


Answer 1
Answer: west of the Mississippi

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Pros and cons of industrialization


Pros: faster production of products,the assembly line, birth of the car, employment and the start of a era of technology bloomCon: pollution, child labour,unpaid workers, women and children abuse

The Constitution proposed to your acceptance is designed, not for yourselves alone, but for generations yet unborn. The principles, therefore, upon which the social compact is founded, ought to have been clearly and precisely stated, and the most express and full declaration of rights to have been made. But on this subject there is almost an entire silence." who would have said it federalist or anti federalist



federalist they supported the constitution

Final answer:

Given the skepticism and call for more explicit individual rights laid out in the quote, it was likely stated by an Anti-Federalist, who were known for pushing for such protections.


The quote you've asked about appears to be an argument against a lack of explicit declaration of rights within the Constitution, suggesting that it would be more likely to have been said by an Anti-Federalist. The Federalists were largely supportive of the new Constitution as it was, while the Anti-Federalists argued for more explicit protections of individual and state rights, which eventually led to the creation of the Bill of Rights. Therefore, this statement, expressing dissatisfaction with the 'entire silence' on the subject of rights, was likely made by an Anti-Federalist.

Learn more about Anti-Federalist here:


Which of the following best describes the Industrial Revolution?A.
a new way of thinking about how hard people should work

a dramatic change in the way people worked and lived

a revolt against the rule of kings

a change in the way European countries traded with other nations


A dramatic change in the way people worked and lived best describes the Industrial Revolution.

Further Explanations:

American history shelters the “Reconstruction era” that includes the industrial rising in the nation. The era was stage of mounting opulence and economic progress that helped it become foremost in industrial, economic and agricultural supreme along with a stable National government. By the completion of the century, the United surged as foremost industrial power with modern machineries along with expanded the railroad grid.  

The industrial revolution transformed the manufacturing practices in the United States around the 1840s with the invention of modern machines. .The transformation involved hand fabrication methods to mechanized production and increased the use of steam and tidal power and modern tool. The industries became dominant they provided employment to large number of populaces .It changed the lifestyle of the people along with their working style. Prior to it all the work was done through hands and was requiring more effort.  After the revolution, the machines were helping laborers to finish their work in a more operational way.  

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Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History  

Chapter: Industrial Revolution

Keywords: Industrial revolution, transformation, producing processes, United States, Europe, hand production, hand production, steam, tidal, mechanized factories, Reconstruction era,

The Industrial Revolution is best described as a dramatic change in the way people worked and lived.

What is Industrial Revolution?

Industrial Revolution is the transformation of the economy from being solely dependent on agriculture and handicraft activities to moving towards manufacturing and industrial activities.

Therefore, it helps the nations to improve their production facilities which further created jobs and higher living stabadrds for people.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution here:

Optimism characterized the first half of the Victorian Age.
a. True
b. False


This statement is true. Optimism indeed characterized the first half of the Victorian Age. The Victorian Age was the British period in which Queen Victoria was the one who is reigning the England, which was a period of peace, prosperity, national confidence, and refined sensibilities. 

How did the age of european exploration help pave the way for the scientific revolution


Conquestors such as FerdinandMagellan for example, wanted to prove that the Earth was indeed round. And ChristopherColumbus (1450-1506)is an Italian crusader who is tasked to look for Asia from Europe starting onthe west direction. His conquests during 15th to 20thcentury in Asia, Australia, United States and Atlantic made new discoveries andcolonies crediting him as the explorer of the ‘New World’ or the ‘Age ofDiscovery’. His conquests were very much celebrated however there also negativeeffects on the system instilled on the newly-discovered places such as slavery,diseases, illiteracy, rape and death.The Ptolemaic theory of the universe wasdisproved by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), letter C and followed by JohannesKepler (1571–1630). Geocentrictheory suggested that the Sun and moon orbited Earth, and the rest of theplanets orbited the Sun is Heliocentric theory. Heliocentric theory of NicolausCopernicus during the Scientific Revolution on 17th and 18thcentury while Geocentric theory was proposed by Ptolemy (AD 150) and Aristotle.Today, we believe more on the Heliocentric theory and it has been proven aswell.

What distinguishes the U.S. Supreme Court from a state supreme court? State supreme courts have rulings that can be overturned, while U.S. Supreme Court rulings are final. State supreme courts have limited jurisdiction on the types of cases they can rule on, while the jurisdiction of the U.S. Supreme Court is unlimited. State supreme courts cannot rule on cases involving personal rights, while the U.S. supreme court can. The U.S. Supreme Court must hear all appeals cases, while state supreme courts chose the cases they hear.


What distinguishes the U.S. Supreme Court from a state supreme court is that state supreme courts have ruling that can be overturned, while U.S. Supreme Court rulings are final.

The Supreme Court is the only court established by the Constitution of the United States. All other courts have been created by Congress. The Court has the power of judicial review and the power to declare unconstitutional federal or state laws and acts of the federal and state executive powers. Its decisions can not be appealed.  On the contrary, some state supreme court decisions can be appelled to the U.S. Supreme Court.

I'm pretty sure the answer is B. Supreme court has unlimited jurisdiction.

My only doubt is supreme court cases can be overruled but only by the supreme court (which is A).