Which of the following is NOT a component of fitness?A.
Cardiovascular fitness
Muscular endurance
Speed endurance
Body composition


Answer 1


C, speed endurance



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In order to continue to improve muscle conditioning after muscle adaptation occurs, _____. decreased resistance needs to be added to the muscles fewer sets should be performed a greater rest time should be used increased resistance needs to be added to the muscles


The answer is : increased resistance need to be added to the muscles.
Muscle conditioning refer to muscle strength and endurance. In order to improve it, you need to put your muscle in a harsher condition in a harsher condition than it used to be, so your muscle could adjust to it. That's why you should keep increasing the resistance


increased resistance needs to be added to the muscles


Jerry has not worked out in several years. He has experienced some health issues and is realizing the importance of incorporating physical activity into his lifestyle again. Which of the following activities would be most appropriate for his fitness level?A.
running several 400-meter sprints
jogging for three miles
walking for 30 minutes around the neighborhood
participating in a high-intensity cycling class


The answer is letter c. walking for 30 minutes around the neighborhood. Since Jerry has not worked out for several years, it would be better if he would go for the simple exercises first, than go for the extreme ones ahead of time. Do not force yourself into heavy exercises when you have not exercise for a long time.

Jerry should take up (C) walking for 30 minutes around the neighborhood.

Further Explanation:

Jerry has not worked out in the several years. After experiencing some health issues and realizing the importance of physical activity in the lifestyle he plans to start exercising again. This fact clearly depicts that journey's body has not been incorporated to any exercise since a very long time.

This makes Jerry's muscles habitual to condition where no pressure is actually being put up on them. Since Jerry's muscles are not subjected to any kind of force, the muscles are lean. Sudden rise in in any kind of physical activity or force on these muscles might lead to fatigue. Fatigue is a condition where the muscles undergo anaerobic respiration producing lactic acid. This fatigue can lead to excessive muscle pain and also show a mobility in the muscles. Since the bones are also not subjected to any kind of pressure, the amount of force that the bones can handle is also very less so, sudden increase in the amount of force or any kind of weight on the bones might also lead to destruction or breakage of bones. The only way out is to incorporate physical activities with intensity is increasing with the increase in the number of days. Walking for 30 minutes might be a good start because the body might adjust to simple walking which can further be extended to jogging, running followed by high intensity cycling classes.

In this way Jerry's body might not be incorporated with fatigue and can continue working even after being engaged in physical activities. The intensity and duration of these activities can be increased gradually.

Learn More:

  1. Learn more about effects of vigorous exercise on cardiorespiratory system brainly.com/question/1209683
  2. Learn more about the structure of epithelium and connective tissue brainly.com/question/4557690
  3. Learn more about secondary function of the lymphatic system brainly.com/question/2909254

Answer Details:

Grade:High School


Topic:Physical Fitness


Health issues, physical activity, fitness level, running, sprints, jogging, Miles, walking, high intensity, cycling, fatigue, lactic acid, anaerobic respiration.

List the following four activities in the order they would go in the physical activity pyramid from top to bottom.Soccer practice; Homework; Walking 30 minutes to school; Weight training

Sedentary activity, Anaerobic activity, Flexibility activity, Aerobic activity.


The Physical Activity Pyramid is composed of 4 levels. Here are the levels from top to bottom: Level 4 – Sedentary living. These activities usually involve sitting down and staying in one place without exerting any effort. Level 3 – Flexibility Activities (stretching, yoga, gymnastics) and Muscle Fitness Activities (resistance training, calisthenics, wall climbing) Level 2 – Active Sports and Recreational Activities and Active Aerobic Activities Level 1 – Lifestyle Physical Activities – Activities you do all or most days of the week that takes more than 30 minutes. Based on the above definition, these are the order of the given activities from top to bottom. Level 4 HOMEWORK ---- SEDENTARY ACTIVITY Level 3 WEIGHT TRAINING ----- FLEXIBILITY ACTIVITY / ANAEROBIC ACTIVITY Level 2 SOCCER PRACTICE ----- AEROBIC ACTIVITY Level 1 WALKING 30 MINUTES TO SCHOOL

Homework; Weight training; Soccer practice; Walking 30 minutes to school

Choose one roadblock to good discipline. explain why it is considered to be a roadblock


It is confusing discipline with punishment. This is because children will think that parents are punishing them but they are only disciplined. They need discipline so that they will learn from their mistakes. But sometimes, there are punishments that are harmful to children that is why it could be considered as a bad discipline.

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