How did the Hun invasion weaken the Roman empire?


Answer 1


Explanation: How did the Hun invasion weaken the Roman Empire? The Huns made Roman citizens leave Rome and they would kill them. They also made refugees go into Rome and trapped them in order for them to kill them. They also wanted to take over Rome. I hope this helps!

Answer 2


D. The Huns pushed Germanic people into Roman territory


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Popular sovereignty can best be described as "D. government only exists and functions with the consent of the people being governed", since this allows for the most freedom of the population. 

Answer:  D. government only exists and functions with the consent of the people being governed.


"Popular sovereignty" means the people are in charge of establishing a government over themselves.  

The founding fathers of the United States adopted the idea of popular sovereignty from Enlightenment philosophers like John Locke (of England) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (of France).

The Declaration of Independence (1776), written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserted the concept of popular sovereignty.  The Declaration insisted that people institute governments in order to secure their rights, and that governments get their authority from the consent of the governed.  "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends," the Declaration of Independence said, "it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

How did kush gain power and wealth


Around 1500 B.C., Egyptian leaders sent armies in to overpower Kush. For nearly 500 years, Kush would be controlled by the Egyptians, and would be forced to pay the Pharaoh a tribute. Eventually, however, around 1000 B.C., Kush was able to turn the tables, winning their freedom from Egypt. Then, in 724 B.C., led by a Kushite king named Piankhi, a large and well trained Kushite army was able to invade Egypt and control it.

In 671 B.C., the Assyrians, who had superior weaponry, were able to run the Kushites out of Egypt, and rule it for themselves. The Assyrians used iron weapons, which were harder and more powerful than the bronze weapons that the Kushites used.

After leaving Egypt and returning to their original borders, the Kingdom of Kush entered a golden age. For the next 150 years, the Kushites grew wealthy. They were able to build large comfortable homes, and plan beautiful cities. This golden age was, however, brought to an end by a people known as the Axums, who invaded around 500 B.C. from the East.


Hope this helps :)

In 1989, pro-democracy demonstrations in China led to


Correct answer: the deaths of many protesters.

In response to student-led protests calling for democratic reforms, the Chinese government cracked down harshly. Martial law was declared and over 200,000 troops were deployed to Bejing. On the evening of June 3, 1989, the army opened fire on the protesters, and forceful efforts by the military to clear Tienanmen Square of protesters continued through June 4.

The death toll for protesters has been much disputed. The official Chinese government estimate said no more than 300 were killed -- and they included soldiers in that number. However, a message from the British ambassador to China, sent at the time of the incidents, estimated the death toll to be at least 10.000. The ambassador's memo, declassified in 2017, described how some protesters were bayoneted as they begged for their lives and how human remains were “hosed down the drains.”

After protests in Tienanmen Square in China were crushed, on the next day (June 5), a lone protester stood in the street against the government's tanks. "Tank Man" (as he became known) captured the international imagination as an individual standing up against the overwhelming power of the government.


D: the deaths of many protestors

Before public conventions started, how were nominees for the presidency selected?


Correct answer:

in closed meetings, by a small group of privileged citizens

The small group where the presidential candidate was selected before the public conventions began was made up of white adults with a certain level of wealth and power. The reason why this system did not work is because people did not have a voice to choose from and the presidential candidate had greater dependence on Congress.

in closed meetings, by a small group of privileged citizens

What invention most helped to make the shift to large plantations throughout the Deep South profitable?the textile mill

the mechanical reaper

the cotton gin

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The cotton gin was a major invention that helped to make the shift to large plantations throughout the Deep South profitable. The cotton gin was an invention that used a machine to remove the seeds and other plant pieces from cotton quickly so that lots of cotton could be processed quickly for sale. Previously this process had been done by hand and had been much slower than after the invention of the cotton gin. This invention led to a growth in plantations and the development of cotton and ultimately led to an increase in the use of slave labor as well. 

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Lack of workng force.


    New England's territory was marked by agricultural production in a plantation system: monoculture worked by slave labor on large estates and intended for sale on the European market. There was a distinct settlement logic in this region, in the face of slave labor and agricultural production of tobacco, cotton, rice and indigo (indigo) for Europe.

In colonial times, the New England colonies had cold climates, a short growing season, and brittle soil, which could grow little crops. Therefore, the colonists has to result to a different method to sustain their economy and turned to fishing, lumber, shipbuilding, and other industrial occupations.