One of the first known coins was struck from a lump of electrum.
False True


Answer 1

Answer: True


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What are the rules for using parentheses



Use parentheses around nonessential information or abrupt changes in thought.

When the words in parentheses form a complete sentence, place a period inside the closing parenthesis.

No personal phone calls are allowed on company time. (Refer to the policy manual.)

When the words in parentheses are not a complete sentence, place the period outside the closing parenthesis.

The meeting will be held next year (in March).

Always place commas, semicolons, and colons outside the closing parenthesis.

The tasks consist of filling out paper work (including HR documents), setting up your email account, and getting a photo ID.

If the information in parentheses requires a question mark or an exclamation mark, use the mark inside the parentheses only if the sentence ends with a different mark.

Richard Bender (remember him?) stopped by to see me yesterday.

Do you remember Richard (think you can remember back that far) from the bank?

Use parentheses to clarify preceding words.

Next week we will study the hydrologic cycle (also known as the water cycle).

Use parentheses for references or documentation of sources.

Fifty contracts were issued this year. (See Table 1.)

The U.S. leads the world in Internet use (Leslie 89).

Use parentheses around an abbreviation or an acronym when it is used with the spelled–out word.

Please submit the Student Aid Report (SAR).

Use parentheses in a horizontal list of items that uses either letters or numbers.

I need three items from the store: (1) apples, (2) bread, and (3) milk.

The following information must be included: (a) name, (b) address, and (c) driver's license number.

Capitalize the first word in parentheses if it is a proper noun or the beginning of a complete sentence.

Verify all items. (Check the boxes.)

Call the assistant (Robert Digg) at noon.

Use parentheses around numerals used with a spelled–out number.

I have ninety (90) dollars left from my paycheck.

Use parentheses for minor subdivisions in alphanumeric outlines.














To clarify certain words


In “Address to the Nation on the Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger,” President Reagan addresses the public about a national tragedy. In A Night to Remember, a tragedy is recounted through interviews with various people who experienced the Titanic’s crash. How do the different structures of the texts help to effectively communicate information regarding these tragedies? Are there advantages or disadvantages to the structures of either text? Which one do you prefer? Cite specific examples from the texts to explain which structure better helps to effectively convey the authors’ purposes.


It should be noted that the different structures of the texts were important in communicating to the audience and give information regarding the tragedies.

Structures in the texts.

A literary structure simply means the organization of the elements that are in a text or passage such as the plot, themes, characters, etc.

In Address to the Nation on the Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger", the president gave a speech that was vital to soothing the nation in a difficult time.

The purpose of the speech was to comfort the families who suffered tragic losses in the Challenger Disaster. In this case, a compassionate tone was used to allow the audience and the people who lost someone in the accident to know that he was thinking about them. .

Also, the theme of "A night to remember" is that people should not think that the unthinkable cannot happen. People should be prepared for the worse. It depicted the story about the Titanic and how it sank.

Learn more about text structures on:

Final answer:

The different structures of the texts effectively communicate information regarding the tragedies, with advantages and disadvantages to each. The speech format in President Reagan's address captures emotions and conveys unity, while the narrative structure of "A Night to Remember" allows for a personal and immersive reading experience. The author prefers the structure of the book due to its detailed and emotional account.


The different structures of the texts, President Reagan's "Address to the Nation on the Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger" and the book "A Night to Remember," effectively communicate information regarding the tragedies they discuss. President Reagan's speech follows a traditional structure, starting with an introduction, providing background information, expressing condolences, and ending with a call to action. This structure helps to capture the emotions of the audience and convey a sense of unity and resilience. On the other hand, "A Night to Remember" uses a narrative structure, incorporating interviews and personal accounts of the Titanic's crash. This structure allows readers to connect with the individuals involved and experience the tragedy from different perspectives. Both structures have advantages and disadvantages. The speech format of President Reagan's address allows for a concise and impactful message, while the narrative structure of "A Night to Remember" allows for a more immersive and emotional reading experience. Personally, I prefer the structure of "A Night to Remember" because it offers a more detailed and personal account of the tragedy, helping to convey the author's purpose of creating a vivid and memorable narrative.

Learn more about the Effectiveness of different structures in conveying information regarding tragedies here:


The following directions are found at the beginning of a cookbook:1. Always use Pillsbury's Best Flour.

2. Sift flour twice before adding to cakes or breakfast cakes.

3. Make all measurements level by using edge of knife to lightly scrape off from top of cup or spoon until material is even with the edges.

4. Use same sized cups or spoons in measuring for the same recipe.

5. Before starting to make recipe, read through carefully, then put on table all the materials and tools needed in making that particular recipe.

Based on the passage, the word LEVEL used in #3 most likely means make sure all measurements are the same size. get rid of any excess ingredients. scrape spilled ingredients off the counter. fill the measuring cups to the edge.


The answer is d to fill the measuring cups to the edge

Final answer:

The term 'level', in this cooking context, refers to removing any excess ingredients so that what remains is exactly even with the edge of the measuring cup or spoon.


In the directions provided at the beginning of the cookbook, the word 'level', as used in statement #3, most likely refers to the act of getting rid of any excess ingredients beyond the edge of the measuring cup or spoon.

This is accomplished by using the edge of a knife to lightly scrape off the excess, ensuring the material is flush or 'level' with the edges of the cup or spoon. This technique ensures accurate measurements while baking.

Learn more about Vocabulary comprehension here:


What do good reading skills enable you to do?O A. Skim quickly through an assignment
O B. Read for long periods of time
O C. Pick out the important parts of a book or article
D. Read aloud in an interesting tone of voice




Answer: C


Having strong reading abilities can enable you to interpret and find meaning in everything you read, and when you continuously improve these skills, you can develop your ability to communicate effectively through writing.

Which option is the best example of eye rhyme? A. Living in a bubble now causes trouble later on.
B. We are all educated. We all read books every day.
C. He received a call / about a bill / before he fell.
D. Folks sit in their chairs / and show us their stares.


The best example of eye rhyme above is C. He received a call / about a bill / before he fell.

What is eye rhyme?

With an eye rhyme, there will be words which look similar when they are spelled, but they are pronounced in a different way.

Call, bill, and fell are spelled similarly but are all pronounced differently due to the other letters in the words.

Find out more on eye rhymes at


He received a call / about a bill / before he fell

Which excerpt from “Freeway 280” by Lorna Dee Cervantes best exemplifies the theme of home and belonging? 1.La casitas near the gray cannery, nestled amid wild abrazos of climbing roses and man-high red geraniums are gone now.
2.But under the fake windsounds of the open lanes, in the abandoned lots below, new grasses sprout,
3.Once, I wanted out, wanted the rigid lanes to take me to a place without sun, without the smell of tomatoes burning on swing shift in the greasy summer air. 4.Maybe it's here en los campos extraños de esta ciudad where I'll find it, that part of me


Maybe it's here  

en los campos extraños de esta ciudad  

where I'll find it, that part of me

i think it is this because in this context of home and belonging it means as to where the narrator believes he or she will fit in and be free to live as they choose.


4. Maybe it's here en los campos extraños de esta ciudad where I'll find it, that part of me.


In this setting of home and having a place it implies concerning where the storyteller trusts the individual in question will fit in and be allowed to live as they choose.