What is the evidence? *A.Evidence is often an opinion,
B.Evidence is a claim made by someone who doesn't agree with your claim.
C.Evidence is the facts, quotes, and other information that supports the claim.
D.Evidence means means presenting information without the filter of your personal


Answer 1




evidence is facts.

Answer 2


I think it's C

sorry if you get it wrong


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Your question was answered already.


Martin Luther King uses the image of a festering boil in order to convince the church of the need to bring the injustice of racism to light. Perhaps the most important aspect of the metaphor, along with the ugliness and toxicity of both a boil and racism, is the fact that to open a boil is a painful and scary process. Just as it is easier in the short term to let a boil stay untouched, due to its sensitivity, the church did not want to address the issue of racial injustice due to the uproar and it would cause in its communities.

Dr. King uses figurative language to compare the pus-flowing ugliness of a popped boil to the violence and disorder that must arise from facing the problem of race relations head on. In doing so, he both addresses the toxicity and ugliness of racism in society, and also the need to go through the painful experience of bringing it to light.

Why is Big Mav considering moving them out of the neighborhood? Do all families in similar situations have this same option? *The Hate You Give Ch. 11-15



Remy’s insensitive protest demonstrates how white communities co-opt black experiences and movements for their own ends. This protest actively hurts Starr by forcing her to watch her friends and classmates trivialize a traumatic event and not allowing her the distraction class usually provides. The protest places an undue burden on Starr as she handles both her own grief and trauma, and the guilt of white students who approach her to clarify why they are not participating and want reassurance. Their insistence highlights Starr’s isolation at Williamson as a black girl at a predominantly white school, and how she is forced to be the token representative of black communities overall. While Starr spent the weekend watching people from her neighborhood facing tear gas for their sincere protest, the students at Williamson get media coverage for their fake protest but no retaliation. This disparity highlights how society rewards white people for the same actions it punishes black people for.

The police’s attack on Maverick emphasizes that law enforcement has prioritized a semblance of order over the safety of the community. Mr. Lewis, who has asked the police for their help in eliminating violence from the community, objects to their attacking Maverick because Mr. Lewis knows Maverick is not dangerous. However, the police ignore Mr. Lewis both because they view Maverick as threatening—in a parallel of Khalil’s death—and because they seek retaliation for Starr’s testimony. This decision shows that their policing does not tend to the wants and needs of the community. Furthermore, the police order the neighbors to leave, and only let Maverick up when they realize that they have witnesses. This entire encounter demonstrates the ways in which law enforcement creates more everyday violence when they police what they believe are threats over what the community knows is dangerous.


An important part of developing socially assistive robots is giving the robot what we can call a personality write a paragraph that supports this conclusion use at least two details from the article you response


Final answer:

Developing socially assistive robots requires giving them a personality to establish a connection with humans and enhance interactions. Smart technologies become part of users' social lives and communication, while anthropological approaches contribute to the safe and responsible development of artificial intelligence.


Developing socially assistive robots often involves giving the robot a personality. This is an important part of the process because it helps the robot establish a connection with humans and makes interactions more enjoyable and effective. One detail from the article is that smart technologies, like robots, become part of their users in terms of their social lives and communication. Another detail is that anthropological approaches can help shape the development of artificial intelligence to ensure its safe and responsible use.

Learn more about Importance of giving robots a personality here:




assistive robots are good for socially because they can be very helpful to humans and others they can react with humans,help humans do jobs and mor


pls give brainlist answer

Summary of chapter 6 and 7.8 white dolphin




The people of Ghalaas-at watch for some sign of Kimki, but none ever comes. Spring passes and comes again, but still Kimki does not return. Matasaip, who has been chosen as chief in Kimki's place, decides that the village must turn its attention to other problems - the Aleuts. The time of year that the Aleuts come is fast approaching, and the villagers must make plans to flee the island if they return. The people of Ghalas-at stock canoes with food and water and leave them at the bottom of a cliff, so that they can quickly escape if the Aleuts are sighted.

One night, a cry goes through the village that the Aleuts have returned. The villagers file out of their homes and make for the canoes, but the man who gave the alarm returns, saying that the ship that is approaching the harbor has white sail, not the red sails of the Aleuts. Matasaip goes to investigate along with a few other men while the rest of the villagers continue toward the canoes. Soon, Nanko returns with a message from Matasaip. The villagers are anxious to hear what he has to say, but Nanko plays with them, pretending to be too tired to talk. Finally, he reveals that the ship on the bay hold white men sent by Kimki to take them away from Ghalas-at.

The villagers scramble to pack for their journey. They had brought only the bare necessities when they thought they were fleeing the Aleuts, and so choose a few possessions to bring with them. Ulape draw a mark in blue clay across her face to signal that she in unmarried. A storm is gathering, and so they must be quick, lest the white men's ship run against the rocks. As they head toward the beach, Ramo realizes he has left his fishing spear at the village, but Karana knows there is not enough time to go back tells him he must leave it behind.

When Karana reaches the beach, all of the men except Nanko and Matasaip have already boarded the ship. Karana has lost track of Ramo, but Nanko tells her the he was on the first canoe to the ship. Upon reaching the ship, Karana looks around for Ramo, but he is nowhere to be found. Nanko offers her his assurance that he is on the ship, but then Karana notices him back on the island, running along the cliff with his spear in his hand.

Chief Matasaip explains to Karana that they cannot wait for Ramo, because if they do, the ship will be wrecked against the rocks. Then, though many people try to restrain her, Karana jumps off the boat into the water and swims back to shore.

Newspapers through the ages


Any images or question

2. How did Gabriel's parents think Yellow Fever was spread? *A-through mosquitoes.
B-through people who do not wear long sleeves.
C-through vapors in the air.
D-through foreign mosquitoes.


Answer: A - Thru mosquitoes is the answer after we know what it is.