13. Which statement about the Scientific Revolution in Europe is accurate?a. The existence of natural laws was rejected.
b. Scientists questioned traditional beliefs about the universe.
c. New ideas supported the geocentric theory of Ptolemy.
d. The Bible was used to justify new scientific findings.


Answer 1




This is because like an example would be that people used to believe the Earth was flat and that was normal to them but now we know because of science that the Earth is round.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The accurate statement about the Scientific Revolution is that scientists began to question traditional beliefs about the universe, leading to shifts in understanding about the natural world.


The accurate statement about the Scientific Revolution in Europe is that scientists began to question traditional beliefs about the universe. During the Scientific Revolution, which took place from the 16th to the 18th century, the scientific method emerged as a new way of gaining knowledge about the natural world. Rather than simply accepting the teachings of the church or ancient scholars, scientists started conducting experiments and making observations to understand the universe.

This led to the rejection of the geocentric theory of Ptolemy and the acceptance of the heliocentric model proposed by Copernicus. Moreover, the idea of natural laws governing the physical world gained prominence, vastly differing from previous superstition and mysticism-bound views. The Bible wasn't generally used to justify new scientific findings, marking a significant separation of science and religion.

Learn more about Scientific Revolution here:



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The correct answer is (a.) True. Alerts from the National Terrorism Advisory System apply only to the United States and its possessions. The National Terrorism Advisory System is a threat advisory in terms of terrorism since April 26, 2011.

A. True

Further Explanation

Terrorism is a coordinated attack aimed at arousing feelings of terror towards a group of people. Unlike war, acts of terrorism are not subject to the rules of warfare such as execution time which is always sudden and targets random victims and is often civilians.

The National Terrorism Advisory System is a color coded terrorism advisory scale that is only located in the United States. Different levels produce specific actions by federal and state and local government agencies, and they affect the level of security at several airports and other public facilities. That's usually called the terror alert level by US media. This system was replaced on April 27, 2011, with a new system called the National Terrorism Advisory System.

Learn  More

terrorism : brainly.com/question/1373293  


Class : high school

Subject : histories

Keywords : terrorism, attack, security.

What did the battle of the coral sea imply about the importance of air power in the pacific


The battle of coral sea,during ww2 implied that aircraft would provide a large upper hand in "island hopping" giving the United States many strategical islands previously owned by Japan with minimal cost or life to US soldiers. Eventually giving the US and island close enough to mainland Japan to launch two atomic bombs.

Why was the petition of right. (1628) of such importance?


The Petition of Rights of 1628 was very important because of the nature of the things. The Petition of Rights was signed for granting any future taxes. Hence, the statement is proven.

What is the Petition of Right (1628)?

The Petition of Rights 1628 was one of the most important factors which were sanctioned in the English parliament while the king was being forced to do the thing. The most important thing was that the Petition of Rights had to be very understanding and also should have been followed in the surroundings.

The Petition of Rights was being passed mainly because of the atrocious taxation on any amount of things by the King. The king of England had started taxing almost everything starting from one of the most luxurious things to the most commonly available thing without any justification.

The Petition of Rights hence proved to be of great importance and also led to unnecessary taxation of varied important things. Hence the statement above is proven.

Learn more about the Petition of Rights 1628 here:



The Petition of Right was formulated in the United Kingdom Parliament in 1628 and was a watershed development in the formulation of Human rights. This was sent to the then British monarch King Charles I as public opinion became hostile to the king’ sover-taxation policies and expensive foreign wars and diplomatic missions. His expensive campaigns drained the British Exchequer, which forced the government to impose rations and quarter the troops in ordinary houses as economic measures.  

Further Explanation:

The Petition of Right was an important development as it brought the control of the economy and matters of legislation under the control of the members of the Parliament, who were representatives of the British subjects. This was an important step in the development ofdemocratic institutions, and further defined the political, executive and legislative boundaries of a constitutional monarchy. The legislature and executive powers were vested with the Parliament, the representatives of the People. The king’s huge expenditures without consulting the Parliament put a heavy strain on the economic resources of Britain, which caused unrest and rebellion among the subjects. The king’s attempts to curb these rebellions decreased his popularity among his subjects, who seemed to be on the verge of a coup. Sir Edward Coke formulated the Petition of Right in 1628 to stem the possibilities of the removal of the king by force. The Petition consisted of four principles by which there could be no taxation imposed on the subjects without the prior consent of the Parliament, a military action could not be taken during peace, no person could be arrested without providing him information of reasons of arrest, (the reaffirmation of the writ of habeas corpus) and finally, soldiers would not be housed in ordinary citizens quarters. Instead they would be quartered within military cantonments and barracks. Thus, the Petition to right reduced the monarch to the position of a figurehead, disturbing the notion that the king was above the law.

Learn more:

1. In the case roe v. wade, the supreme court ruled that state laws? brainly.com/question/3507920

2. In the case gallows v. new York, gallows argued?  


Answer Details:

Grade: Graduation.

Chapter: Early Medieval Europe.

Subject: History.


A constitutional monarchy, Human rights, diplomatic missions, taxation, House of Commons, representation.

What was the Babylonian Captivity?


The Babylonian Captivity was a period in Jewish history where Jews who belonged to the Ancient Kingdom of Judah were captured in Babylonia. This was also a period of exile where many Jews had to leave and later some returned and some did not. The return was a gradual process and not a single event. This is an important event in Jewish history and culture.

The Babylonian captivity or Babylonian exile is the period in Jewish history during which a number of Jews of the ancient Kingdom of Judah were captives in Babylonia. After the Battle of Carchemish in 605 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem, resulting in tribute being paid by King Jehoiakim. So pretty much what the other person answered.

PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY HW THANK YOU SO MUCH 30 PONITS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!!!!!!!What were some reasons people chose to move west?

A.to own their own land, to make money, to be their own boss, to find jobs, and for religious reasons
B.The North was getting too overcrowded.
C.They wanted to live where there was no slavery.
for improved climate, better land, and freedom
D.Many just didn't like the cities.
How did the Mormons make the land around Salt Lake City flourish?

A.They chose very good land that was great for farming.
B.They prayed night and day.
C.They built canals and dams in the hills so that the water would flow down into the valleys for farming.
D.They were excellent farmers with exceptional skills.
E.none of the above
Why were Texans unhappy with Mexican rule?

A.Texans had to convert to Catholicism.
B.Mexico abolished slavery.
C.Mexican troops were sent into Texas.
D.Citizens were taxed for the first time.
E.all of the above

What did the United States gain as a result of the Mexican American War?

A.lots of trouble with Mexico
B.a lot of dead troops
C.many new heroes
D.California, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, and parts of Colorado
E.none of the above

What were some ways California changed as a result of the Gold Rush?

A.It grew from a tiny village to a boomtown.
B.It had a system of laws and a government.
C.It was admitted into the union.
D.It harmed the Native Americans living there.
E.all of the above

6.Manifest Destiny is the belief that the United States was destined by the Creator to spread out across the land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean
7.Capitulate means to stand firm
8.Traveling across the country on the Oregon Trail was actually pretty easy
9.When Texas first became independent of Mexico, it was its own country.
10.The California Gold Rush was actually good for the environment.


"A.to own their own land, to make money, to be their own boss, to find jobs, and for religious reasons" is the best option for one, while the main thing the Us got from the war was territory. 

1. A

2. D

3. E

4. D

5. B

6. False

7. False

8. False

9. True

10. False

i'm certain that these answers are correct, if not, i apologize. and please tell me! (:

- k a y l e e <3

In the Treaty of 1818, Britain and the United States agreed to joint control of


In the Treaty of 1818, Britain and the United States agreed to joint control of the Oregon County for 10 years. During this Convention of 1818, Britain and united states of America also agreed to maintaining 49th parallel as the northern boundary of the Louisiana territory between the Lake of Woods and the Rocky mountains.  


the Oregon Territory for ten years.


on edge