Can the brain repair itself


Answer 1




After a traumatic brain injury, it sometimes happens that the brain can repair itself, building new brain cells to replace damaged ones. But the repair doesn't happen quickly enough to allow recovery from degenerative conditions like motor neuron disease

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b. viruses lack genetic material
c. virues have no protein structure
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Answer: A) Viruses lack cytoplasm and organelles


Viruses are composed of DNA and RNA and the protein as the genetic material. Virus is the smallest pathogens and it is different from other pathogen as they cannot reproduced by itself.

Virus lack cytoplasm and organelles that is why they are differ from all the pathogens.

Viruses are composed of genetic material and the proteins and it does not contain lipids.

Therefore, option (A) is correct.

Final answer:

Viruses differ from other pathogens in several ways, including a. lacking cytoplasm and organelles, b. having genetic material, and c. having a protein structure.


Viruses differ from other pathogens in several ways. These can be noted as -

  1. Viruses lack cytoplasm and organelles. Unlike bacteria and other cells, viruses do not have a true cellular structure.
  2. Viruses have genetic material. Although the genetic material of viruses may differ, they all contain DNA or RNA.
  3. Viruses have a protein structure. The protein coat, called a capsid, surrounds the genetic material of the virus.

Therefore, options a, b, c, and d are incorrect. Option e, which states that viruses are composed of both protein and lipid, is incorrect as well. Although some viruses may have an outer lipid envelope, this is not a defining characteristic of all viruses.

Learn more about Differences between viruses and other pathogens here:


Sometimes the reflex response is diminished or absent- a phenomenon termed hyporeflexia. Do you think hyporeflexia would be caused by disorders of the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system? Explain your reasoning.



The functions of the skeletal muscles are affected by the CNS via the two sets of neurons, that is, lower motor neuron and upper motor neurons. The PNS comprises sensory neurons and motor neurons. The lower motor neuron is monitored by the upper motor neuron.  

Hyporeflexia occurs because of the dysfunction of the lower motor neuron or its lesion. The lower motor neurons refer to the neurons, which innervate the skeletal muscles directly. Destruction to the central nervous system leads to hyper reflexes and destruction to the peripheral nervous system results in hyporeflexia.  

A characteristic which is influenced by genes and passed from parents to offspring is called heritable. Over many generations heritable adaptive traits become more common in a population. This process is called evolution by natural selection. Evolution by natural selection leads to adaptation within a population. The term evolution by natural selection does not refer to individuals changing, only to changes in the frequency of adaptive characteristics in the population as a whole. For example, for the mice that lived on tan sand, none of the mice had a change in the color of their fur; rather, due to natural selection, tan fur was more common for the pups than for the mother mice. In summary, a heritable characteristic that helps an animal or plant to have more offspring which survive to reproduce and will tend to become more common in a population as a result of evolution by natural selection. a. Explain why a heritable characteristic which helps an animal to live longer will generally tend to become more common in subsequent generations as a result of evolution by natural selection.
b. Suppose an unusual heritable characteristic helped animals to live longer but made them sterile so they could not have any offspring. Explain why this heritable characteristic would not become more common in subsequent generations as a result of evolution by natural selection.



a. Some novel traits become fixed within a population, as they confer advantageous adaptations to an individual within their environment. These adaptations let these individuals live longer than their counterparts, and mate to produce more offspring over time, who also possess these traits.

b. For natural selection to act on a trait, it must confer a particularly beneficial advantage, and it should also be passed on to various offspring capable of surviving and reproducing at a higher rate. Without the ability to reproduce, natural selection cannot occur and is not influenced by an individual's fitness.

Natural selection leads to evolutionary change when individuals with certain characteristics have a greater survival or reproductive rate than other individuals in a population and pass on these inheritable genetic characteristics to their offspring.

Further Explanation:

Genetic variation has an important impact  on small populations. There, mutations add up over time in a population, modifying the distribution of alleles or various forms of a gene. Natural selection may lead to loss of diversity in a population through genetic drift; one trait's allelic frequency increases significantly while others become less prevalent. Usually these differences exist because of occurrences of mutation and recombination.

Spontaneous changes within the genome occurring during the cycle of cell division are called mutations. These are defects of copies of the DNA produced within the cell; mutations may range from small modifications called single nucleotide polymorphisms to large-scale deletions and multi-gene additions.

Such mutations create variants which, within a group, become permanent, resulting in the creation of different, genetically distinct populations called species.  Mutations occur over time in a population, changing the distribution of alleles or various forms of a gene-this is called genetic drift.

Learn more about mutations at

Learn more about DNA and RNA at


What is one difference between p-waves and s-waves


p waves travel through solid liquid or gas and s waves travel through solid but is stopped by liquid and gas.

Sex linked - Genes that are carried by either sex chromosome, most commonly X, and are also most commonly recessive. Hemophilia true or false





Sex linked Traits can only ever be carried on the X chromosome that is why they are more common in males through a dominant Gene.


The answer is true.


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Discuss one of the major issues in toxicology from any perspective.


A controversial issue of toxicology is the use of chemical additives in food.

Food additives are substances intentionally added to foods for the purpose of preserving, enhancing or modifying their physical, chemical, biological or sensory properties without impairing their nutritional value. However, it is necessary to control the use of these substances, as ingestion of these substances may pose health risks.

Additives are found in most processed foods, such as cookies, breakfast cereals, soft drinks, jellies, artificial juices, candies and a host of other foods in the diet of Brazilians, especially children.

Thus, its consumption should be controlled, as the health risk is confirmed by a sum of scientific studies. The three main ills associated with excessive consumption of these substances are cancer, food hypersensitivity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Some audiences are even more vulnerable to consumption, such as pregnant women, the elderly, people with little food and children under three years. In the case of children the attention should be greater because the digestive and urinary systems are not yet fully prepared to process these substances.

The more industrialized the product, the more chemical additives it will have. The ideal is to prepare fresh products at home. However, as is often not possible, it is important that you read the label and choose the products with the least additives.