The United Fruit Company came to control:O A. Towns where its workers lived.
O B. Transportation of its products.
O C. Government officials in foreign nations.
O D. All of the above


Answer 1

The United Fruit Company came to control: Towns where its workers lived, Transportation of its products, and Government officials in foreign nations. Therefore option D is correct.

The United Fruit Company (UFCO), now known as Chiquita Brands International, had extensive control over various aspects of the regions where it operated.

A. The company controlled towns where its workers lived by establishing and managing company towns. These towns provided housing, amenities, and services to employees, essentially creating a controlled environment.

B. UFCO had significant control over the transportation of its products. It owned and operated a vast network of railways, ports, and shipping lines, allowing it to efficiently transport its agricultural goods, primarily bananas, from plantations to markets.

C. The company had a considerable influence over government officials in foreign nations where it operated.

UFCO had a reputation for exerting political and economic influence in Central and South American countries, often engaging in favorable relationships with local governments to protect its interests and secure concessions and benefits.

Overall, the United Fruit Company's power and control extended to towns, transportation systems, and government officials, making the answer "D. All of the above" accurate.

Know more about UFCO:


Answer 2




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During the 18th century, the different ethnic groups in Latin America were divided according to the caste system. The society was divided into the following castes:

-Peninsulares. These were Spaniards who were born in Europe, held administrative positions in the colony, and returned to Spain afterwards. They formed less than 1 percent of the population but had the most power. Almost all viceroys were peninsulares. Although they held the highest positions, they had to deal with all kinds of restrictions. For example, they were not allowed to own land or large property in Mexico and not marry in the colony, because the Spanish government feared that they would no longer be loyal to Spain.

-Criollos. These were persons of ethnic Spanish descent, but they were born in America. They were the most economically prosperous, but the political top positions were not reserved for them. Peninsulares and criollos were by law the only groups that were allowed to ride horses, wear silk clothing, and had numerous other privileges. For wealthy persons from lower groups it was often possible to be declared white against payment. In the late colonial period, the criollos began to call themselves americanos, and worked under the influence of the Enlightenment for equal rights with the peninsulares. At the outbreak of the Mexican War of Independence in 1810, 18% of the population was criollo.

-The mixing groups were under the criollos. The law had no less than sixteen different racial mixed forms, with the main groups of mestizos (white + Indian), mulattoes (white + black) and zambos (black + Indian). Free blacks also fell under this group. When a person was white for more than 7/8s, he was recognized as a criollo. Differences in prosperity in this group were considerable, some were rich and others were poor. Their duties were similar to those of the criollos, but they had fewer rights. In 1810, 21% of the population belonged to one of these groups, more than half of which were mestizos.

-The fourth and largest group were the Indians. These were one step higher than slaves and were formally protected by crown and church, but in practice the living conditions were very poor. 75% of the Indian children died in the first year of life. Many fell victim to peonage or were forced to work on an encomienda. Descendants of former Indian rulers had a lot better by the way; they could usually stay on and hold local management positions. The highest Indians married in the European nobility and were themselves elevated to the nobility. With 60% of the population, the Indians were the largest group.

-At the very bottom of the ladder were the slaves, who were brought in from Africa. They had to work under dire conditions on estates or in mines. They were almost never concentrated in large groups, so they did not reproduce quickly and their numbers remained limited.

8 groups existed in the Latin America in the 18th century.

Why did the Federalist Party lose support after the War of 1812?It had opposed the war.
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The Federalist Party lost the support after the War of 1812 because it had opposed the war. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option. Before the War of 1812, the Federalist Party had major support only in the state of New England. After the war, they lost support of the people of New England as well.


The Federalist Party lost support after the War of 1812 because it had opposed the war.


The Federalist Party, since its inception, showed some sympathy for Britain. Their leaders considered that, although the nation was born after a war with that country, there were more issues that united America with Britain than those that separated both countries. According to the Federalists, America had similarities with Britain, both ideologically and culturally.

Since the confrontation between France and Great Britain during the Napoleonic Wars, this Federalist support increased, compared to the Democratic-Republican support for the French.

When the Democratic Republicans came to power and faced Britain, first diplomatically and then through direct actions, the Federalists opposed the war, protested before it, and even threatened to remove support from the government. This earned them a bad reputation, which meant that, in the face of the development of the actions and the American victory, they lost a lot of voters and support, leading the Federalist Party to its disappearance.

What is a good way to study for ap physics


The foremost thing is to evaluate and practice yourself.


The AP Physics B class was split into the new AP Physics 1 including AP Physics 2 classes. This redesign is arranged with a larger push in AP coursework to maintain learning through analysis.

Know what is and whatever will not be on the AP Physics exam.

Learn AP Physics1 Essentials review book.

Use a supervised course or discourse set reference videos to master the material.

Take AP Practice Examinations before taking the exam.

In Short words:

  • Evaluate Your Abilities.
  • Investigate the Substance.
  • Exercise Multiple-Choice Problems.
  • Practice Free-Response Questions.
  • Take a Different Application Test.
  • Exam Time Specifics.

Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe William Penn George III. t/f


True, he founded Georgia to act as a buffer zone between the US and Spanish Florida. Georgia housed all of Britain's poor and their criminals so if Spain attacked, they would lose people the British didn't care about

Archaeologist rely on what to learn about early humans


They rely on artifacts and early human remains to determine how early humans looked and what they did. 
❅ They rely on artifacts, (you can find things like this in museums) human remains, thees help them know what they did and how they lived in early times. 

How were caravans used in the medieval Islamic empire?They were places for learning.
They were places of manufacturing.
They transported goods on the high seas.
They transported goods across desert regions.


Answer: D.


Mark As Brainliest Please!

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