What is the relationship between the depths of earthquake foci and latitude


Answer 1
Answer: Both are in the same latitude because the epicenter is just above the focus point.

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Ty and ty


This corn plant is being observed based on two traits controlled by two different genes (t and y). According to Mendel's law of independent assortment, the alleles of each gene of this corn plant will undergo segregation into gametes independently of one another. Hence, four possible combinations of gametes (present in the pollen) will be produced by this corn plant since it involves two traits/characters i.e. 2^n which n is the number of traits 2^2=4.

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Ty and ty are the only two distinct combinations

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B. primary consumer
C. secondary consumer
D. tertiary consumer


The correct option is C.
Secondary consumers are those consumers who feed on primary consumers. Ladybug feed on soft bodied insects such as aphids. Aphids are pest and they feed on the crops which farmers planted, ladybug in turn feed on these aphids.


C. secondary consumer


-Secondary consumers are largely comprised of carnivores that feed on the primary consumers or herbivores

-A ladybug is a secondary consumer. It eats plants and small insects that destroy plants. The small insects that it eats include aphids, which makes ladybugs good for the garden. Ladybugs, in turn, are eaten by other animals such as frogs.

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b. 1 and 3
c. 1 only
d. 1, 2, and 3


A because yeast do alcholic fermatation in bread when you bake and some bacterias  prokayotes live off it.   

What would most likely happen to a unicellular organism if it was exposed to a hypotonic solution for an extended period of time?


The answer is that a unicellular organism would swell and burst.

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It would swell and then burst.


A scientist carries out an experiment on a hamster. He exposes the hamster to x-rays at regular intervals. This results in a germ line mutation in the hamster. What is the possible outcome on the progeny of the hamster?


There may have been phenotype and genotype changes.

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