Why were wealthy people more apt to have the latest technology in their homes


Answer 1
Answer: Because technology costs lots and lots of money, something the poor cannot afford.
Answer 2
Answer: Because technology costs a lot, and the poor were called poor for a reason. 

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I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. The action that the government should take to achieve the nations economic goals would be to increase taxes. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day. Feel free to ask more questions.

The most important result of Napoleon's rise to power was


Answer: The spread of Enlightenment ideals.


Napoleon's Empire got to control a large part of Europe, allowing him to introduce some of the French Enlightenment Rationalism to the rest of the continent. For example, the idea that the family of origin should not limit a man´s future allowed man from lower classes to become field marshals. Furthermore, religious toleration, the metric system, and the Civil Code were all spread under Napoleon´s Empire.  

The most important result of Napoleon's rise to power was conquering most of Europe.

To what extent did world war 2 effect women's daily lives?


1.) With men away at war, there wasn't a lot of support for family
2.) with support, there wasn't much for their family
3.) High risk of rape with men gone 
it affected them quite a lot, they had to make weapons for the war, they needed to grow food because of the shortage so everyone would have enough to eat, they did play a very important role.

President Roosevelt's programs were geared toward relief, recovery, and reform. Which program created jobs for people to make improvements on public lands?A. Civilian Conservation Corps
B. Securities and Exchange Commission
C. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
D. Emergency Banking Act


"Civilian Conservation Corps" is the program among the choices given in the question that created jobs for people to make improvements on public lands. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". I hope that the answer has come to your help.

Final answer:

The Civilian Conservation Corps, a program under President Roosevelt's relief, recovery, and reform initiatives, was responsible for creating jobs that worked toward the improvement of public lands during the Great Depression period.


Under President Roosevelt's programs aimed towards relief, recovery, and reform, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was the program that created jobs for individuals to make improvements on public lands. Established in 1933, the CCC was designed to help alleviate unemployment during the Great Depression. Enrollees worked on jobs related to conservation and development of natural resources in rural lands owned by federal, state, and local governments. This included tree planting, building improvements, and erosion control, amongst other works.

Learn more about Civilian Conservation Corps here:



Hammurabi is best remembered for his



Hammurabi's Code

The first law code in History


The first notion of a civil or law code was made by a Mesopotamian King Hammurabi, king of Babylonia ruling from 1792 until 1750 BC. In 1901 a group of French archeologists discovered first Hammurabi's Code where the law is inscriped.

The law included the first account of civic norms and punishment for disobeying law.

Not only did the  "Eye for an eye" law was pronounced but further laws

prevented anyone from presenting false testimony or accusing without any evidence someone as Hammurabi states consequences for those falsely accusing an innocent.

Today Hammurabi's Code  can be seen in Louvre Museum in Paris.

Hammurabi is best remembered for his Law code; The Code Of Hammurabi. You may be familiar with the phrase, "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth."  The Code of Hammurabi is where this phrase came from.   

What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?


Portugal and Spain signed the Treaty of Tordesillas to partition the lands they discovered during voyages that took place in the eleventh century.

What do you meant by the Treaty of Tordesillas?

The newly discovered lands outside of Europe were divided between the Portuguese Empire and the Spanish Empire (Crown of Castile) along a meridian 370 leagues, west of the Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa, by the Treaty of Tordesillas, which was signed in Tordesillas, Spain on June 7, 1494, and authenticated in Setbal, Portugal.

To settle the dispute brought about by the papal bull Aeterni regis of 1481, which recognized Portuguese statements to all non-Christian land areas south of the Canary Islands after Columbus claimed the Antilles for Castile, and to allocate trading and colonization rights between Portugal and Castile (later the Spanish Throne and Portugal) to the isolation of all other Christian imperial powers for all lands west of the Canary Islands.

Therefore the controversy that emerged after Christopher Columbus and his crew, who had sailed under the Crown of Castile, returned, was resolved by the Treaty of Tordesillas.

Learn more about Treaty of Tordesillas refer:



The Treaty of Tordesillas was a treaty established between Portugal and Spain to divide the lands to be found during expeditions occurred in the eleventh century