What two ecosystems receive the least amount of rainfall on average


Answer 1
Answer: Tundra and deserts, I would think.

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The answer is Athens
What city in ancient Greece is the birthplace of modern democracy the world uses today? The answer is Athens 

1. Which of the following does the image below represent? 1st picA. The CCC

B. The Bonus March

C. The banking crisis

2. Which of the following New Deal programs provided this worker with a job? Think of which one most applies to the building and construction of things. 2nd pic

A. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

B. The Securities and Exchange Commission

C. The Tennessee Valley Authority


1st pic

B. The Bonus March

1932: WW1 veterans and their families marched to Washington claiming the payment of their war bonus.

During the great depression, which started in 1929, many people went broke and were unemployed beceause of the financial crisis.

For the war veterans, the situation wasn't better:  many of them lost their jobs and fortunes. Devastated, they asked President Hoover to give them their veterans bonus in advanced. The US Treasury assign each WW1 veteran a bonus with the value of 1 dolar o 1,25 dolar depending on each day they served America in the country or abroad. In 1924 the Congress pass the bonus bill, so by 1945 the veterans would have perceived the amounts with their corresponding interests charges.

They camped near the river and the Congress, keeping the camp in calm and order.  On the 17th of June, the advance bonus payment was disallow by the Capitol and the General Attorney, William Mitchell, gave the order to the police to exit the marchers. The marchers resisted and the police killed to people. President Hoover was concerned and asked General in Chief Douglas MacArthur to complete the expulsion sowing caos and destruction among the veterans and their families.


2nd pic

C. The Tennessee Valley Authority

Among New Deal programs, relief /recovery /reform strategies, The Tennessee Valley Authority was a program designed to encourage Public Work by building dams in the Tennessee river Valley. By these programs the Government wanted to lower the unemployement. It generated over 40.000 jobs.

Also by building this dams, the near Tennessee Valley population benefited from cheap electricity.

How would you be classified if yo u were a carpenter in ancient Rome


If you were a carpenter in Ancient Rome, then you would be classified as a plebeian. Plebeians were the general people of the Roman citizens that is not a patrician, in other words, a commoner. People get confused with the plebeians and the patricians, the plebeians are the average people, while the patricians are the wealthy or noble people of the Roman society. They were the average workers of the Roman society, they usually work as bakers, farmers, craftsmen, or builders, they were the ones that had to really work hard to pay their taxes and support their families. The plebeians are stuck as plebeians, it is hard become a patrician (wealthy), unless they were adopted into a family of patricians.

you would be classified  a  worker that helps out the roman  cammunity

Commoners in Ancient Rome were called what





In Europe, a distinct concept analogous to common people arose in the Classical civilization of ancient Rome around the 6th century BC, with the social division into patricians (nobles) and plebeians (commoners).


Masses, or Common people.


There were a couple of names but these were most common.  Especially during the Roman times of social class isolation.


Higher Class (Kings / Wealthy) > Middle Class (Steady, some rich) > Lower Class (Poor) > Slaves (Broke and owned by higher classes, and some middle)

3 facts for Ancient Rome Government
3 facts for Ancient Greece Government


The Roman government (in its entire history from founding to fall) was a strange mix of a democracy and a republic. An interesting fact ist that the people of Rome took many of their ideas of government from the Ancient Greeks. 

The Roman state was described as the republic (respublica) and its consuls, or chief magistrates, continued to be appointed even after the establishment of one-man rule under the empire, but in its pure form it lasted only until the beginning of the first century B.C.
At the creation of the republic, supreme power probably resided with a popular assembly, but early on the Senate became very influential, and the traditional formula, which survived for centuries, was S.P.Q.R. - Senatus Populusque Romanus - the Roman Senate and People acting together.Since the Ancient Romans did not want one man to make all of the laws, they decided to balance the power of the government between three branches, there was first the executive branch, then the legislative branch, and finally the judicial branch.
Ancient Greece
is a direct government
Greece had 3 branches of government
Athens and Sparta where one of the most famous city-states in Greece
Citizens could summit laws
Ancient Rome
Was a peninsula
Was a republic
Only rich citizens could vote for the representative

Can I get some Information on the Quran?


1) It's the Islamic holy book
2) It is believed to be the words of god  
3) It's written in Arabic
4) It also provides guidelines for everyday life of a Muslim
      a. worship and laws
      b. doctrines
5) The book also provides guidelines for a equal society, conduct of humans  and economic  principles  

It's the religious text of Islam, Muslims believe it's a revelation from God. They believe that the Quran was told by God to Muhammad. It was published around 650 A.D. It is divided into 114 surahs which is kinda like chapters I guess, this is all that I know about the Quran. I hope this can be of some use to you.