Promet: How and why do animas communicate with each other


Answer 1
Answer: They communicate with noise and they communicate to warn others what’s happening
Answer 2

Animals communicate with each other through noises and signs, such as a flick of the ear, tail, or making a "coo" sound as a bird. They make these noises to sense danger, find a mate, and communicate important messages- just as humans do!

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Please help!


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3. Mike is like a scared kitten as he enters the haunted house.


Just so you know...

simile is comparing something with something else using 'like' or 'as' (for example - I swam in the sea like a fish or my room is like a tip). 

metaphor is a word or phrase that compares something with something else (for example - his heart is metal or my room is a tip). Hope this makes sense!

1. The road was as curvy as a snake - Simile 

2. My mum told me that my room is like a pigsty - Simile

3. Mike is like a scared kitten as he enters the haunted house - Simile

Hope I helped!

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D.When the writer uses colloquial language, the diction is informal


Diction is "the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing". Colloquial language is a language that is  "used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary". Colloquial language is not formal, therefore the choice of words for it wouldn't be either.

When the writer uses complex words the diction is informal