1. A famosa “Carta de achamento do Brasil”, mais conhecida como “A carta de Pero Vaz de Caminha”, foi o primeiro manuscrito que teve como objeto a terra recém-descoberta. Nela, encontramos o primeiro registro de nosso país, feito pelo escrivão do rei de Portugal, Pero Vaz de Caminha. Podemos inferir, então, a seguinte intenção dos portugueses: *a) explorar a tão promissora nova terra.
b) buscavam descobrir, através da arte, a história da terra recém-descoberta.
c) objetivavam o resgate de valores e conceitos sociais brasileiros.
d) firmar um pacto de cordialidade com os nativos da terra descoberta.


Answer 1


KKKKsei n soq deve ser algo com ouroKKK eles roubaram td mano


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jozcafvj;v emr



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वह बहुत परेशान थी और डरी हुई थी कि उसे नहीं पता कि क्या हुआ होगा


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Many people still believe that the Castro regime guaraties safety for the Cuban society and independence from other huge countries - especially USA. Of course there is an aspect of equality - some people believe that a communist regime is fair, because (in theory) everyone has equal chances.
 i think the Cubans in Cuba support him out of fear.

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A) Sus scrofa

The complete term is "Sus scrofa domesticus" though, and "Sus domesticus" is also used.

Discuss five negative impacts of the social network individuals rights to privacy and safety


Five negative impacts of the social network to individual's rights to privacy and safety would be:

-Personal information has a potential danger to be stolen
-Cybercrimes can be committed
-Surveillance cameras might be hacked and may be used against an individual
-Stalking becomes rampant
-Cyberbullying can happen

Can someone make me a how I met your mother Kahoot and put the link in the comments?



just you have to  press create at the top or search it up :))
