If someone traveled through time and went back before they were born, would they still see find themself?


Answer 1


That depends how far back they time-traveled or where. What point in history did they travel too exactly. Let's say they, or you, traveled back a handful of years back. You're currently 18, and went back when you were 10. You'd see a younger version of yourself and other people you may or may not recognize.


It's all explained in the movies, the are somewhat scientifically accurate in the smallest ways. For example, changing the smallest thing the day you went alters the next 8 years of your left you've already lived.

Hope this helped! :)

Answer 2




because they weren't born yet?

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Answer:  A) The Roman Empire

When Roman Emperor Constantine established his new capital city at the location of Byzantium (which then became known as Constantinople), he wanted to give it all the prestige and aura of the Roman Empire. The building of Constantinople took several years, and Constantine modeled it after Rome, with government buildings designed in Roman style.   The Byzantine Empire, which was the Eastern Roman Empire and outlasted the Roman Empire in the West, was still modeled after the Roman Empire and influenced by its history and traditions.

Final answer:

The Byzantine Empire was most influenced by the A) Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire.


The Byzantine Empire's influence was profound, shaping the Eastern Orthodox Church, preserving Greco-Roman culture, and serving as a buffer between Europe and Asia. Byzantine art, architecture, and legal systems had lasting impacts. Its trade, diplomacy, and military strategies played a role in European history, especially during the Middle Ages.

The Byzantine Empire was most influenced by the Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The Roman Empire had a significant impact on the culture, religion, and administration of the Byzantine Empire. The Ottoman Empire, on the other hand, eventually conquered and ended the Byzantine Empire, leading to the establishment of the Ottoman Empire.

Learn more about Byzantine Empire influence here:



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The first presidential "east egg roll" at the White House was happened in the year 1878. On March 24, 2008 it was welcomed by former President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush on the South Lawn of White House. The Easter Egg Roll is a tradition that celebrated annually.

How did Russia respond to growing international industrialization in the 19th century? A. by refusing to adopt industrial developed in foreign countries

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Final answer:

In the 19th century, Russia responded to international industrialization by ending its feudal system, liberating serfs, and creating an industrial labor force. Key machinery and technological advancements were imported, and railways were developed for industrial growth.


In response to the growing international industrialization in the 19th century, Russia took the route of ending its feudal system and undertook measures to create an industrial labor force. It should be noted that Russia was relatively late in this undertaking compared to Western countries. Key machinery and technological advancements were imported from Europe to help in the industrialization process. One of the key events during this period was the Emancipation Reform of 1861, which ended serfdom, liberating serfs to become wage laborers, thus supporting the growth of industry.

While there were some efforts to encourage private businesses to industrialize, the state still had significant control over the process. Railways were seen as a critical element in Russia's industrial growth, linking distant parts of the vast Empire and facilitating the transportation of goods and materials. The industrialization of Russia in the 19th century, though slower compared to Western Europe, laid the groundwork for its development into a major global power in the 20th century.

Learn more about Russia's Industrialization here:



A. By refusing industrial development in foreign countries.

Is Document B: Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution: All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution: The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America…

Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution: The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court….

using the document identify and explain the philosophical idea that influenced the United States government.


I think an answer could be:

The philosophical idea that influenced the United States government, is separation of powers, and constitutional independence. Separation of Powers allows for three distinct branches, to have reserved powers, and in some ways operate independently.

Farmers' cooperatives were most common among:A. Fruit growers in the West.
B. Tobacco growers in the Middle Atlantic.
C. Cotton producers in the South.
D. Grain producers on the Plains.


A. Fruit growers in the west.
Farmers cooperatives were most common among the fruit growers in the west. They are usually formed as a way to help generate profits for the farmers. Today there are about 40,000 of them in existence in the United States. The largest of them is CHS Inc. located in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota.

PLEASE HELP Write a 100- to 175-word description of the impact ancient Greece and Rome had on technology and architecture. Be sure to include relevant details and examples in your response.


Greece and Rome had on technology and architecture. For example, architecture designs the building structure, and technology help complete construction work.

What is technology?

The term "technology" refers to the development of new things that make life easier for humans. Technology advances with the help of scientific solutions and industrial methods based on science. Technology is based on the invention of new objects and the innovation of new technologies and advanced methods.

In numerous ways, Ancient Greece and Rome influenced modern technology and architecture. The term architecture refers to a specific profession that involves design and construction work. The design and construction of a building or place to produce something new.

The technology was developed in this period and launched the machines to easily tackle the heavyweight, for the benefit of the time of construction.

Learn more about technology, here:




Ancient Greece and Rome have affected modern technology and architecture in various ways. Many modern government buildings draw inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman structures. Several architectural designs, such as domes and columns, were first developed in Rome. The Romans also introduced us to concrete, which is a strong and durable building material.

The ancient Greek scientist Archimedes invented the lever. We still use this technological invention in construction to lift heavy weights. Archimedes also invented the odometer, which tracks traveling distance. The odometer is used in almost all modern vehicles today.
