Why is carbon so abundant in living things when oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth? a. Carbon atoms can bond with one another to make chains and cyclic structures whereas oxygen atoms cannot form chains or cyclic structures.
b. Carbon atoms are found in compounds that are solids at room temperature whereas oxygen atoms are found in compounds that form gases
c. Carbon atoms have lower mass than oxygen atoms, which keeps the masses of living things within desirable limits.
d. Carbon atoms are more stable than oxygen atoms, which allows living things to have more stable compositions.


Answer 1
Answer: Why is carbon so abundant in living things when oxygen is the most abundant element on Earth?

a. Carbon atoms can bond with one another to make chains and cyclic structures whereas oxygen atoms cannot form chains or cyclic structures.

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c is the correct answer


Because they reproduce

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Eating snacks of potato chips from the bag in between meals least improve Jordan's overall fitness. Potato chips give zero nutrition and increases calorie intake that makes it hard to burn. Jordan should stop eating them.


Ear More Meals At A Restaurant


Just Took The Test

Human impact on trees has been completely negative.


This is true. The impact of human on trees has been completely negative. This includes deforestation which causing negative effects on the environment. A massive scale of Earth’s forest has been cleared through deforestation. This results to the damage of the land quality.

Actually it's false lol we plant them!!!

A black guinea pig crossed with an albino guinea pig produced 12 black offspring. When the albino was crossed with a second black one, 7 blacks and 5 albinos were obtained. What is the best explanation for this genetic situation? Write genotypes for the parents, gametes, and offspring.Black appears dominant to albino
B - black (both BB and Bb genotypes)
b - albino (bb genotype)
This is a problem showing that 1 phenotype (black color) can be the result of two different genotypes (BB and Bb). These two crosses would be the equivalent of test crosses to determine genotype.
A black guinea pig crossed with an albino guinea pig produced 12 black offspring. This is the result (all black offspring) you would expect when breeding two true breeders (Two homozygotes BB x bb).
b Bb Bb
b Bb Bb
When the albino was crossed with a second black one, 7 blacks and 5 albinos were obtained. This looks like the results you would expect between a heterozygote and an albino (Bb x bb).
B b
b Bb bb
b Bb bb



A black guinea pig crossed with an albino guinea pig producing 12 black offspring

         b         b

B     Bb       Bb

B     Bb        Bb

The genotype of the black gunea pig will be BB in this situation and the genotype for the albino pig would be bb.

The gametes formed will be B, B,b, b.

The offsprings will have genotype Bb. They will be heterozygous black.

When the albino was crossed with a second black one, 7 blacks and 5 albinos were obtained

         b            b

B      Bb           Bb

b       bb          bb

The genotype of the black parent will be heterozygous i.e Bb in this condition. The genotype of the albino parent will be bb.

The gametes formed will be B,b,b,b.

50% of the offsprings will have the probability of having heterozygous Bb genotype. 50% of the offsprings will have the probability of having albino bb genotype.

List at least 5 environmental problems caused by human populations inhabiting the earth. Propose some possible solutions that might address these problems.



1 - Deforestation

2 - Industrial Fishing (mass fishing; when industries use those big nets to collect a ton of fish. y’know that Finding Nemo scene?

3 - Global Warming

4 - Poaching

5 - Pollution


Deforestation is destructive to our air quality, as well as the homes of wild life. This can and does causes animals to die, and not enough animals for the greater part of the food chain.

Industrial fishing is harmful to entire environments purely by there being a lack of fish for other animals to eat, as well as a large portion of the worlds fish being now absent because of this mass fishing.

Global Warming is caused by harmful gasses being released into our atmosphere, which is harmful for all life on earth when the earth’s temperatures are being raised.

Climate change in general is bad and caused by humans’ negative impact.

Poaching is illegally hunting animals. This leads to [if not already endangered] wild animals being endangered or extinct.

Pollution can go from anything to littering on the street or beach to industries dumping oil into our oceans, which is harmful for our water supply and all ocean wildlife.

Which of the following is NOT one of the key brain structures involved in encoding and storing memories? a. hypothalamusb. hippocampusc. prefrontal cortexd. cerebellum





The prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and the cerebellum are involved in memory formation.

The prefrontal cortex is involved in making decisions,forming goals and planning , it's also based on past memories.

The hippocampus is involved in forming long term memories and also in spatial navigation

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain responsible for the body's ability of homeostasis.it is also involved with endocrine control and works closely with the pitutary gland.