To what extent were Woodrow Wilson's actual foreign policy decisions consistent with his foreign policyphilosophy or vision?


Answer 1


Wilson's foreign policy goal was to minimize American involvement abroad and use a less imperialistic approach than the presidents before him. Rather than being guided by America's self-interest, he hoped to enact a policy based on moral decisions, acting only when it was morally imperative. In practice, however, Wilson found himself, especially in South and Central America, following the steps of other, more interventionist presidents. He sent troops into Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba, often to ensure that America's interests were met. In Asia and Mexico, Wilson also found it difficult to remain outside of world affairs without jeopardizing America's interests.



Answer 2

Final answer:

Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy decisions were partly consistent with his idealistic vision. However, real-political pressures led him to actions, such as military intervention in Mexico and Russia, that deviated from his philosophy. The degree of consistency varied across different instances, reflecting the complex interplay between ideals and realities in foreign policy.


The foreign policy philosophy of Woodrow Wilson was characterized by his worldview 'Wilsonian Idealism', advocating for promotion of democracy, global cooperation, and peace policies. However, his actual decisions varied somewhat due to the demands of international and domestic political context.

Wilson’s idealism was evident in his 'Fourteen Points' aiming for a peaceful end to World War I and a new international order predicated on transparency in diplomacy, freedom of the seas, and self-determination of peoples. However, his practical actions strayed from this idealistic vision, for example, his decision to intervene militarily in Mexico and Russia, considered inconsistent with his philosophy.

But it's important to note that in many cases, Wilson's actions were driven by real-political considerations. The contradiction between his policy vision and actions underscores the often-complex relationship between ideals and practical realities in foreign policy.

Learn more about Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy here:


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