This graph indicates the percent of the US population that is above or below the recommendation or limits for dietary components. Approximately what percent of the population is above the daily limit in added sugar, saturated fats, and sodium?


Answer 1
Answer: 75% is the correct answer
Answer 2

Final answer:

Without the specific graph mentioned in the question, we can only refer to related studies and data. These indicate a high prevalence of poor dietary habits in the U.S. population, with a significant percentage consuming excessive fat, and an increasing obesity rate suggesting a deviation from recommended dietary guidelines.


Without having access to the specific graph you're referring to, it's difficult to give an exact percentage of the US population that exceeds the daily limit for added sugar, saturated fats, and sodium. However, related data suggests a disturbing trend. For instance, several studies indicate a high prevalence of excessive fat consumption, with the probability that a person consumes more than 40 percent of their daily calories as fat being approximately 0.3446 or 34.46%. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's MyPlate guidelines, half of our meals should consist of fruits and vegetables. Yet escalating obesity rates suggest a deviation from these dietary recommendations. To provide a more specific answer to your question, you'd need to analyze the graph you have and interpret the related data.

Learn more about US Dietary Habits here:


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The correct answer is : C. low
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4. One way to manage stress is to reframe the way you think about things. Read the following statements and rewrite them so that they focus on the positive instead of the negative.1. I spent so much time baking this cake for the party, but it collapsed and now it looks terrible. My guests will be here in an hour, so there’s nothing I can do.

2. I can’t believe I’m waiting in this long line just to buy movie tickets. By the time I get to the front, I’m sure the movie will be sold out; I should have just rented a movie at home.

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8. I lost my keys again. It figures. Now I’m going to have to pay to get another set, and I’ll probably lose those a week from now.

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Positive thinking focuses on the positiveview of situations and things and helps to promote health and relieve stress.

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking involves focusing our mind on the good part of things even though there may reasons to think negatively.

Positive thinking have been proven to promote health and relieve stress.

The given statements can be rewritten positively as follows:

  1. I will sure show my guests my new cake design
  2. I'm sure waiting in line will help me build stamina
  3. I will get stronger if I keep exercising at the gym
  4. This cold will pass, and I will be fine
  5. I will invite my friends over this weekend so we'll have fun together
  6. This my painting is unlike any I've ever seen. I'll surely stand out as unique
  7. I end up learning new routes each time I drive
  8. I'll be careful not to losemy keys again
  9. Mom is planning something big formy next birthday
  10. I'll do my best to keep this closet organized
  11. It's fun walking this dog. Its so full of energy
  12. I'll read a book while it rains. I'll run afterwards
  13. I can't wait to see the dentist to have my teeth in the best shape again.

Learn more about positive thinking at:

1) Oh well! Nobody is perfect and nobody is expecting me to be perfect, so I will just make something new with the cake i have left! :)

2) I have been waiting for a long time and the movie might be sold out, but if i rent the movie instead then i can staying in my pajamas and lay in bed while watching the movie!! that sounds way better than having to be in dress up clothes and having to be surrounded by strangers! :)

3) All these people are doing more than what i can do but they didn't just come into the gym one day and start lifting these heavy weights or just got on a treadmill and started to run for an hour. They all started off small like me and if i keep working hard enough then i will be just like them! 

4) Alright i have a cold again but I will not let that effect me from having an amazing time at my big event! Just take some medicine and i will get through it quickly!

5) My friends got together without me again...They might be planning something for me or they might of have had these plans for a while and i wasn't there so it would be kind of hard for me to go anyways. Oh well, that gives me time read my favorite book or watch this movie! :)

6) I may not have artistic skills but that is 100% alright! Not everyone the artistic gift, but who knows.. maybe with enough practice, i can get better and people will start noticing my drawings.

7) Getting lost isn't always a bad thing. When i get lost it means that i don't know that area so that is a chance for me to explore the new area! Nobody is perfect and I am sure they would understand that I got lost and that is the reason for me being late.

8) A new set of keys! Maybe this time i can get this design and then i can get this lanyard to go with it so that 1) they are matching and 2) it will help me not lose my keys! 

9) My mom is giving me my own money to spend on anything i want! woohoo!! My mom trusts me to pick out good clothes and I know she wants me to spend it on something that i really want. Money is the best gift you could give/get!

10) Its always fun to go through and see what i find in my closet! sometimes i find clothes that i got a long time ago but forgot about so now i can start wearing it! Maybe i could clear up some space by donating the clothes that i don't need anymore.

11) Oh, the dog needs to go out again... Oh well, i could use a break and go outside for another walk! the weather feels nice today.

12) Its raining and now i can't go for that run outside. well maybe there are some exercises that i could do around the house. Or I could always use a day of rest and relaxation.

13) It would be best for me to go to the dentist asap because i have not been in a while. I am hoping that everything is okay but if not then it is better to find out now then wait till I am in absolute pain and i can't stand it!

Hiv directly infects t-cells. Why is this problematic for cell-mediated immunity?



Cell-mediated immunity is the function of phagocyte and cytotoxic T-cells. It does not involve antibodies and is specific for a particular antigen.  

In HIV infection the virus enters into the T-helper cell(CD 4 cell) and reproduces in the T helper cell. They destroy the T helper cell during this process and then enter new CD 4 cell. By this process, they reduce the number of T helper cells.

T helper cell are important for cell-mediated immunity because it releases some chemicals that activate cytotoxic T cell and phagocytes which then kill the pathogens.  

Therefore when the number of T helper cells reduces it becomes problematic for cell-mediated immunity to function properly.

Question: Your friend is asking you for advice about his diet. He is going grocery shopping trying to improve his diet and looking at food labels of every food he picks up. What would you advise if he sees on the food label he should stay away from? And he asks you what empty calorie foods should he stay away from?



don't know sorry ask question which I will be able to answer