Using at least three sentences, describe the process of weathering, and explain how it can happen physically or chemically ​


Answer 1


Chemical weathering changes the composition of a mineral to break it down. Water chemically weathers rock in hydrolysis. Carbon dioxide chemically weathers rock by creating acids. Oxygen chemically weathers rock by combining with a metal


correct me if im wrong

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Answer: Public service announcement.


A public service announcement is a message in the public interest that is disseminated without charge and with the aim of raising awareness, changing public attitudes and the behavior of people towards a social issue.

In the United Kingdom, public service announcement is called public information films. The common topics discussed in public service announcements are safety and health related topics such as issues relating to obesity, gambling etc.

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That they are over the law?

My dumb sister needs help


C. Please forgive me if I am wrong :(

Douglas mcgregor rejects theory x, which holds that question 14 options:a.when explained properly, everyone will favor drug-testing programs.
b.workers essentially dislike work and will do everything they can to avoid it.
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Douglas mcgregor rejects theory x, which holds that "workers essentially dislike work and will do everything they can to avoid it."

Theory X depends on suppositions with respect to the normal worker. This management style accept that the run of the mill laborer has little aspiration, dodges duty, and is singular objective oriented. Theory X style chiefs trust their representatives are less smart, lazier, and work exclusively for a feasible income. Management trusts worker's work depends without anyone else self-interest. Managers who trust workers work in this way will probably utilize prizes or disciplines as inspiration.

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Phil's behavior most likely is a result of the defense mechanism of displacement.

Behavior depends on both situational factors and biological properties. Humanistic psychology focuses on the potential of each individual and emphasizes the importance of growth and self-actualization.

Social science perspectives that emphasize sociopolitical or material inequalities of social groups either criticize the broader sociopolitical system or otherwise divert attention away from structural functionalism and ideological conservatism.

Parents pass on the genes and provide the environment. Both affect child development. Strong situations have a high degree of structure and definition, and thus provide outstanding cues for action. Weak situations, by contrast, are relatively unstructured and ambiguous, and thus do not provide such behavioral cues.

Learn more about The defense mechanism here:-


Why do societies need government? select all that apply?a. to make laws
b. to keep order
c. to train workers
d. to conduct trade
e. to manage money
f. to protect the community
g. to determine religious beliefs



The Correct Answer is A,B and F


  • Governments implement the parameters for daily routine for residents, preserve them from external intervention, and often present for their prosperity and satisfaction.
  • In the latest few hundreds, some statisticians and philosophers have supported government authority over some features of the marketplace.

The correct answers generally considered as reasons why societies need governments are:

a. to make laws

b. to keep order

e. to manage money

f. to protect the community

What are the responsibilities of government

Governments are typically responsible for creating and enforcing laws, maintaining order, managing economic policy, and providing protection to its citizens.

While a government might have a role in aspects of worker training (c) and conducting trade (d) – for example, through establishing policies, regulations, or state-funded programs – these aren't universally recognized as essential functions of government across all societies and political philosophies.

Choice g, to determine religious beliefs, is generally not a function of government, particularly in societies that prioritize freedom of religion. In many democratic societies, there is a separation of church and state, meaning that the government does not interfere with individuals' right to practice their chosen religion.

Learn more about government at