All the light we cannot see


Answer 1


What does this mean?


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4 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of theverbs in brackets.
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3 Last time Tina went clubbing, her phone_ (steal).
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Answer: Please refer to Explanation


Passive form is used when the subject is not the one to be emphasized but rather the action itself as well as the object. For example, instead of saying, " He stole my laptop", you say, "My laptop was stolen by him" if it is a Present Simple Tense. Using a Past Continuous Tense you would say, "My Laptop WAS BEING STOLEN by him" instead of, " He was stealing my laptop".

The corrective Passive forms for the following are,

2. John looked back. He thought he WAS BEING FOLLOWED.

3 Last time Tina went clubbing, her phone WAS STOLEN.

4 Police are investigating the robbery but nobody HAS BEEN ARRESTED.

5 As I'm writing this, three suspects ARE BEING QUESTIONED.

6 A press conference WILL BE HELD tomorrow.

Which best describes the role of the dandelion in the poem a january dandelion


This question is incomplete. Here's the complete question.


which best describes the role of the dandelion in the poem

(A) It serves as a symbol for humankind’s place in nature.

(B) It presents a contrast to the harshness of human experience.

(C) It represents the poet’s long-standing love of nature.

(D) It signals the promise of new beginnings.

(E) It provides an occasion for reflection on lost love.

Answer: (E) It provides an occasion for reflection on lost love.


The dandelion in McClellan´s poem is used as a metaphor for lost love. The dandelion, having been "misled" into blooming by a little warmth in the middle of a snowy winter, resembles a heart that "has bloomed by the touch of love’s warm breath." However, the blooming dandelion is meant to die in the cold weather, such as a love that finds no response.

Final answer:

The role of the dandelion in the poem 'A January Dandelion' is as a symbol for resilience, defiance, and hope in the face of adversity. It stands out amidst the winter bleakness, displaying beauty and vibrancy undeterred.


In the poem 'A January Dandelion', the dandelion primarily serves as a symbol. Just like the dandelion, which thrives even in the harshest of winters, continues to remain resilient and present, it stands as a metaphor for resilience, perseverance, and hope. Despite being considered a weed, it blooms with full vigor, representing undiminished spirit and the ability to find beauty even in dire circumstances.

The dandelion silently stands tall amidst other lifeless plants during winter symbolizing defiance to unfavourable circumstances. Thus, reminding us that aspiring ones can bloom and shine without needing appreciation or support from the outside world.

Learn more about Role of dandelion in the poem here:


Questions 1–9: Identify the conjunctions in the following sentences. Label each one as coordinating, correlative, or subordinating.1. I left my car at the garage, but I will pick it up tonight.

2. Andrews and McMillan were the first two engineers at the company.

3. I will take our visitors to the theater, provided that you buy the tickets.

4. Commuting may get bad because either rain or snow is expected tonight.

5. The Barkers will be pleased if their dinner is a success.

6. We won’t have the manuals on time unless we get them to the printer tomorrow morning.

7. Both typewriters and word processors are needed in many offices.

8. Richard will come early since he has to set up his projection equipment.

9. Rose will attend the conference, although she will arrive late.

Questions 10–14: Each of the following sentences contains an interjection, but the sentences are missing appropriate punctuation. Rewrite the sentences and add any missing punctuation.

10. Wow What are we going to do?

11. Goodness we’ll have to wait for Ann Marie

12. Well Why did you do such a thing?

13. Oh Elizabeth, please forgive me

14. Oh forget it We’re late already.



1: but

2: and

3: provided



6: unless


9: although

10: Wow, What are we going to do?

11: Goodness, we’ll have to wait for Ann Marie.

12: well, why did you do such a thing?

13: Oh Elizabeth, please forgive me.

14: Oh forget it! we're late already.

Explanation: 1-9 should all be correct, i'm not so sure about 10-14

Which statement from Congresswoman Chisholm's speech represents an overlap in civil rights and women's rights efforts? A. Women have not been aggressive in demanding their rights. This was true of the black population for many years.

B. It is obvious that discrimination exists. Women do not have the opportunities that men do.

C. What we need are laws to protect working people, to guarantee them fair pay and safe working conditions.

D. Prejudice against blacks is becoming unacceptable. Prejudice against women is still acceptable.


You too? I hope we get answers fast!

Answer: B

Explanation: I personally believe it is B,  It is obvious that discrimination exists. Women do not have the opportunities that men do. Because none of the other Answers make as much sense as this one.

Read the following poem and analyze it for ideas, themes, and values that reflect the Puritan era. Be sure to ask the key questions as a guide for analysis.Passage: from a Puritan poem by Ralph Erskine

And when the smoke ascends on high,
Then thou behold'st the vanity
Of worldly stuff,
Gone with a puff.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And when the pipe grows foul within,
Think on thy soul defil'd with sin;
For then the fire,
It does require.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.

And seest the ashes cast away;
Then to thyself thou mayest say
That to the dust
Return thou must.
Thus think, and smoke tobacco.


Answer: deep


Along each paragraph, the author wants us to really take the words in and try to relate to he's point of view... He also speaks about how we die and transcends into different beings... And leaving all worldy material things behind.

Final answer:

The poem provided is an example of Puritan era poetry, which reflects the ideas, themes, and values of that time period.


Puritan Era in Poetry

The subject of this question is English, and it pertains to the study of literature. The grade level is High School. The poem provided is an example of Puritan era poetry, which reflects the ideas, themes, and values of that time period.

Ideas, Themes, and Values of Puritan Era

  1. The poem emphasizes the transient nature of worldly possessions and the vanity of materialism.
  2. It encourages the reader to reflect on their sinful nature and the need for repentance.
  3. The mention of ashes symbolizes the inevitability of death and the reminder of human mortality.

Learn more about Puritan Era in Poetry here:


1. How should this sentence be changed?Annalise is very intelligent it is not surprising that she has really good grades.


The sentence should be changed to Annalise is Intelligent; Therefore, it is not surprising that she has good grades.  

The words "very" and "really" should be dropped since they are superfluous word choices, and their replacement should be "; therefore," which is the right word choice and punctuation for the sentence construction.

As part of reading comprehension, error detection is a subset. The section on proper sentences includes it as a subset. Finding sentences that can be or need to be fixed is the basic goal of error detection. An intentional group of words forms a sentence.

With the grammatical rules in mind, we may define a sentence as a group of words that includes a subject, a verb, and an object. The SVO structure, also known as the SUbject-Verb-Object structure, is what it means in English.

Learn more about sentence formation here:



Annalise is Intelligent; Therefore, it is not surprising that she has good grades.  


Eliminate the words "very" and "really" as they are unnecessary word choices, and add, "; Therefore," as proper word choice and punctuation for the sentence structure.