Simple Dominance is also known as...?incomplete dominance

genetic dominance

complete dominance

forever dominance


Answer 1


genetic dominance


Simple Dominance is also known as genetic dominance

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See answers below:

Code Centipede: this is a network issue, therefore, contact your network administrator or a network or internet technician.

Code Chicken: no solution yet for this issue.

Code Bee: The issue is having a stable connection from your network and the Bungie's server. If the issue is within the Bungie's server, let them fix it. If it's your network, try restarting your WiFi.

Code Lion and Fly: Same with the code Bee

Code Cattle: You are logged off. Just sign in back.

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1. Which biome has the MOST biodiversity?tundra

temperate deciduous forest



tropical rainforest



Tropical forest, because of all the wildlife and plants


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A negative effect of lawn fertilizer and pesticides is


Pollution of water and soil. The poison in fertilizer and pesticides will seep into groundwater supplies and contaminate the water.


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