Another weekly question (I need to stop these)Who is your favorite lets player or animator


Answer 1




Answer 2

Answer: wat dat mean


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Answer:A graphic organizer, also known as a knowledge map, concept map, story map, cognitive organizer, advance organizer, or concept diagram. It is a pedagogical tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge, concepts, thoughts, or ideas, and the relationships between them


A graphic organizer is a visual display that demonstrates relationships between facts, concepts or ideas. A graphic organizer guides the learner's thinking as they fill in and build upon a visual map or diagram.


It Is Good For Brainstorming Solutions


Hope This Helps!

is this website just for a bunch of lazy kids bumming off answers? Because if that were the case I'd be one of them.


No, in fact. Brainly is to help people who are having homework trouble, but not to just give out answers. The best answers on Brainly are the ones that explain in a simple way how they got their answer, and (obviously) that it's correct. If you need help on homework, then try and make sure your question is clear and appropriate. You'll most likely get better luck if you place it in the correct subject, and better answers if they can understand it. Also make sure when you answer questions that it's clear, simple, appropriate, and (again, obviously) correct.

I hope this helped! Please take thetime to rate, pick the Brainliest answer (not necessarily mine!), and thank me if you feel Ihelped with this question! Thank you, it helps me a lot. :)

Summarize the role of technology in efforts to explore space.


The role of technology in efforts to explore space could be argued to say that it has helped us to discover many different planets. An IS is a space station that helps us do stuff!!

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to solve problems


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The answer is variant A. Details.
the answer here is A.DETAILS