How does the 13th amendment differ from the emancipation proclamation?


Answer 1
Answer: Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation occurred after the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 and almost in the middle of the Civil War. Lincoln only declared the slaves of the Confederate occupied territories/States to be free. It may be considered similar to an executive order, but it had questionable legal and lasting effect. 

The 13th Amendment abolished slavery permanently throughout the U.S.A. in December 1865 (after the end of the war) by legislative amendment of the Constitution. It was ratified by the States in haphazard fashion.
Answer 2
Answer: The 13th amendment declared them as actual citizens. The emancipation proclamation supposably 'freed' the slaves but since it was still during the civil war the slaves in the south/confederacy were not free until the end of the war in 1865

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The official language of the Mughal empire and the language of the court and the elites was Persian: this is because the Mughals came from Persia (today's Iran). - so the correct answer is b). This also explains why their presence was more pronounced in North India: it's closer to Iran than South India. 

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Option C, Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli is the right answer.

Niccolo di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was an Italian politician of the Renaissance period. He was a 16th-century scholar from Florentine who is known primarily for his political doctrines. His most influential philosophical works (the prince and the Discourses on Livy) were printed after his death.

Which statement best describes sustainable development? Sustainable development is development that focuses on increasing the wealth of LDCs. Sustainable development is development that focuses on increasing the wealth of MDCs. Sustainable development is development that focuses on meeting the current resource needs of the world's population. Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.



Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.


  • Sustainable advancement is essential as it preserves the state resources, meets the requirement of people, preserves physical sources, assists in the coordination among the natural resources and people and conserves natural resources for the future generation.
  • Sustainable development aims to match our financial, environmental and common requirements, enabling accomplishment for now and future generations.

Final answer:

Sustainable development is a comprehensive approach that emphasizes meeting the world's current needs without compromising future generations' ability to do the same. It combines economic growth, environmental conservation, and social equity. It's promoted by international organizations as a solution to global challenges like poverty and environmental degradation.


The statement that best describes sustainable development is 'Sustainable development is development that meets the world's current needs while making sure that resources will be available to meet future needs.' This concept involves a delicate balance of economic progress, environmental protection, and social equity. Rather than focusing solely on the wealth increase of Less Developed Countries (LDCs) or More Developed Countries (MDCs), sustainable development seeks to address the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Efforts to achieve sustainable development include improving the efficiency of resource use, minimizing waste, and ensuring that physical and human capital is replenished for future use. This process often involves innovative technologies, regulatory intervention, and adjustments in production practices. Organizations like the UN and the EU, as well as many individual governments, actively promote sustainable development as a means of resolving global issues such as poverty and environmental degradation.

This approach differs greatly from traditional development, which often prioritizes economic growth over sustainability. While economic advancement is important, sustainable development emphasizes that such progress should not come at the expense of the environment or future generations. Therefore, sustainable development is far more than just an economic strategy; it's a comprehensive approach to improving society while maintaining the health of our planet.

Learn more about Sustainable Development here:


Why were famine and bread important when considering the causes of the French Revolution?


The famine and poor harvests caused the price of bread to skyrocket to the point where people had to choose between starvation and paying their taxes.

What is famine?

Famine had been a recurrent feature of life in the South Asian subcontinent countries of India and Bangladesh, most accurately recorded during British rule. Famines in India resulted in more than 30 million deaths over the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. Famines in British India were severe enough to have a substantial impact on the long-term population growth of the country in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on climate: a favourable southwest summer monsoon is critical in securing water for irrigating crops. Droughts, combined with policy failures, have periodically led to major Indian famines, including the Bengal famine of 1770, the Chalisa famine, the Doji bara famine, the Great Famine of 1876–1878, and the Bengal famine of 1943.

Some commentators have identified British government inaction as a contributing factor to the severity of famines during the time India was under British rule.

Learn more about famine, here:


Answer:  Obviously, there were a lot of causes for the French revolution, but bread shortages and famine were very important, even causing riots as far back as the early 1500s!  However, in the 1760s, a group of economists made the decision that wealth was attained by agriculture, and thus, raised the prices of bread and other prices.  In 1775, riots exploded in France, wherein angry protesters started "the Flour Wars."

In reality, bread became a sort of symbol for the French Revolution in the 1780s, and revolutionaries used it as a metaphorical weapon to spark outrage amongst citizens.

Which of the following statements is true regarding Anti-Federalists?a. Anti-Federalists were suspicious of a strong central government.
b. Anti-Federalists were strongly against the Bill of Rights.
c. Anti-Federalists supported a strong central government.
d. Anti-Federalists argued against states' rights. Hey everyone, I really need help with history. I am new to everything and I would like to invite some friends to help me with this website.


The answer to the question presented above is letter a. Anti-Federalist were suspicious of a strong central government.
They (Anti-Federalists) believed that the new constitution was an enemy of freedom and designed to give control of the government to a rich elite.

Most islands within Oceania have what type of climate? A. tundra b.tropical humid c.humid continental d.deser


The correct answer is B. Tropical humid. Continental would be if there wasn't many oceans around it like it happens in Europe or Asia. Tundras are found in the north and are freezing. Tropical humid climate is found on islands throughout Oceania and means that it's hot and humid.



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