Feminist interpretation, Biblical inerrantism, Textual-historical criticism, and Form criticism are all examples of what?Heuristics: rough guidelines or "rules of thumb"

Hagiography: writings about the lives of and miracles attributed to saints

Hermeneutics: theories of textual interpretation

Heresies: formal disagreements about doctrine that often result in church schism


Answer 1

Answer: Hermeneutics: theories of textual interpretation

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Legislative because it has restrictions on personal liberties and has government dictatorship.

Edwards v. South Carolina focused on two issues: the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances and



D. the right to peacefully assemble


freedom of assembly. The right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government. Freedom of peaceful assembly is guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


the right to peacefully assemble

mark as brainliest?

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Answer: In 1998, archaeologists studying tree-ring data from Virginia found that extreme drought conditions persisted between 1587 and 1589. These conditions undoubtedly contributed to the demise of the so-called Lost Colony, but where the settlers went after they left Roanoke remains a mystery.

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Trump has officially said that.

The colonies lacked a powerful aristocratic class mainly because



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Thus, there were no economically powerful families or groups with respect to others, nor large landowners against small owners. This led to the generation of equitable societies, where equality among citizens was real and not merely a legal statement lacking of factual veracity.