Need help please. Which of the following statements are true?a) The Earth revolves on its axis and rotates around the outer planets.
b) The Earth revolves on its axis and rotates around the Sun
c) The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Sun.
d) The Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the Moon.


Answer 1




The earth rotate on its axis and revolves around the sun

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Natural unemployment decreased as productivity growth outstripped wage growth


As computers and the internet were introduced to business for the first time, unlike other technologies, natural unemployment decreased. It was feared that computers and the internet would increase the rate of employment. However the growth in productivity as a result of the introduction of internet and computers was tremendous that it overtook the growth in wages, even better than it used to be.

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The major variable that predicts our response to stress that the choice of Julius to decide for his own self exemplifies the sense of control.


  • By not allowing the diagnosis to be a factor that would cause excessive fear, Julius chose to keep himself calm and poised.
  • The control that he exhibited helped him gain stability and make crucial decisions for himself even in the situation that would have otherwise been stressful.
  • This was possible because Julius kept the sense of control alive and chose to exhibit mental strength.

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Yes it is outdated. (True)


What is the role of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)? How does it influence the economy?Explain the difference between capitalism and communism. What role does the government play in each type of economic system?


The role of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to provide transparency in the financial performance of US companies.

Further Explanation:

The function of SEC are maintaining fair and orderlysecurity market. It also facilitates capital formation. It was formed in 1934 as the federal regulator of the security market. It promotes full public disclosure. It also protects investors against fraudulent and manipulative practices in the market. It monitors corporate takeover action. It approves the registration statements for book runners. Issues of securities that are offered in interstate commerce must be registered with SEC. Capitalism and communism are two different political and economic ideologies. They never go together. One major difference is about the means of production. In communism, the community owns the means of production. The profit is shared equally among all the people in communism. But in capitalism profit belongs to the private owners only. Private party controls the resources in the capitalism. In the communism, it is the society which controls the means of production. Capitalism supports some level of government and influences the economy. Capitalism is the best way to distribute the resources but the government must be present to protect the property rights. The macroeconomics forces in the business cycle require government intervention to smooth the functioning of the market. They support fiscal and monetary policy. Under socialism, the government owns the means of production and it directly affects the economic activity towards the political goals.

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1. as economic theories, socialism and communism sought to

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Security and Exchange Commission

Subject: Social Science

Keywords: Fair, orderly security market, capital formation, public disclosure, means of production, property rights, intervention, fiscal, monetary policy

The role of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to provide transparency in the financial performance of US companies. It ensures that investors can obtain accurate and consistent information on corporate profitability, which is the ability of a company to generate sufficient profits.

The benefit is the remaining income after all costs are paid.

It influences the economy by maintaining confidence in the US stock market. That is critical for the proper functioning of the American economy.

Both communism and capitalism are a form of social organization, which are associated with trade and industry in the economy and discuss ownership of property.

In capitalism, the distribution of wealth is unequal, because the rich get richer, while the poor become poorer.

On the other hand, in communism, there is an equitable distribution of wealth, but it does not allow individuals to have personal property.

Capitalism holds in economics that government intervention must be reduced to its minimum expression. It should only be in charge of the legal system that guarantees the respect of private property, the defense of civil and political rights, the control of internal and external security, and eventually the implementation of policies to guarantee the free functioning of markets.

Communism is the government exercised by a single party that represents the people and manages all production assets: companies, factories, tools, etc., exercising strict control over the social, economic and political activities of society.

When considering the mental health aspects of public health emergencies and disasters, we are most concerned with the phenomenon of:





This phenomenon has indeed been an issue of the most concern considering the pandemic that has affected the world recently.

Medically, if there's is a surge in mental health aspects of public health emergencies and disasters, it implies there may be more deaths for the communities affected.

Who sets the salary of the president


the congress sets the salary of the president.
the congress sets the salary for the president