Hydrocarbons... a. are all polar b. are held together by ionic bond
c. contain nitrogen d. contain hydrogen and carbon atom chains
e. are held together by hydrogen bonds


Answer 1



All hydrocarbons are apolar

They contain covalent bond(s)

Hydrocarbons contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms

Hyrdrocarbons held by london forces

True answer is d

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The stratosphere is the location of our ozone layer. It protects us from the extreme rays of the sun. Prolonged presence of CFCs in the stratosphere destroys our ozone layer. Thus, weakening the protection from the sun's uv rays. This will affect us because we are subjected to higher risk of the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays which may result to skin cancer and other sun related ailments.


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The mere fact that some of his classifications were off, however, does not reduce the marked effect that it had on the advancement of scientific thought in the present world. His findings have greatly influence the modern classification system in many ways.

Hope that helped =)
Some of Carl Linnaeus' classifications of organisms were incorrect because he classified them based off of appearances and actions instead of actual relationships. For instance, bats were classified as birds because they flew, and whales were classified as fish because they had fins and swam underwater.The mere fact that some of his classifications were off, however, does not reduce the marked effect that it had on the advancement of scientific thought in the present world. His findings have greatly influenced the modern classification system in many ways.


Carl Linnaeus classified organisms on the basis of physical features. In his time, this was accepted. As time went on, he was stated incorrectly with the aid of new discoveries. However, he did facilitate the scientific community in a different way. He classified organisms with their common ancestors.

A student is studying which fertilizer/soil will produce the tallest tomato plants. She will use regular dirt, Miracle Gro, Dr. Dirt, and sand mixed with nitrogen. She will use all the same species of tomato and the same pot. She plans on watering the plants equally and exposing them to the same levels of sunlight for 4 weeks. . What is the independent variable?



the answer would be the different soils she is using

The purpose of nervous tissue isA. movement.
B. support.
C. protection.
D. communication
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Nervous tissue is specialised to react to stimulate and to conduct impulses to various organs in the body which bring about a response to the stimulus. Nerve tissue (as in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves that branch throughout the body) are all made up of specialised nerve cells called neurons. Hope this helps! :D

Why is diffusion important for cells? Why is diffusion important for cells?


Diffusion is essential for cells to bring nutrients and releasing wastes WITHOUT spending energy. This is accomplished by the "urge" of a system to achieve equilibrium, which means that materials tend to flow from high concentration to low concentration area. For example, if a cell lacks amino acids, and therefore has a low concentration of it inside the cell compared to the outside, then by diffusion, the amino acids outside will flow in through the membrane until the concentrations of amino acids outside and inside the cell are the same. All these are done without spending energy from the cell. Note, however, that simple diffusion cannot transport larger particles or those insoluble in lipids; these materials have to be transported with facilitated diffusion, where a carrier on the membrane of the cell will help bring in the materials.
Diffusion is when particles in a more concentrated area move to a less concentrated area, through a semi- permeable membrane. Without diffusion, the cells in your body will not be able to obtain the resources they need to survive, like water and proteins.