Ive one sentence to state which country (Chile, Ecuador, or Peru) you and your family are going to travel and when (season, month, etc.), using the correct form of the verb ir + a + infinitive. (e.g., My family and I are going to visit Spain this summer.)Give one sentence to state one thing you have to do before going on the trip, using the correct form of the verb tener + que + infinitive. (e.g., I have to check a map of Spain.)

Give one sentence to state at least two things your parents have to put in the suitcase, using the correct form of the verb tener + que + infinitive. (e.g., My parents have to put the camera and our clothes in the suitcase.)

Give one sentence stating at least two things you and your family are going to do and where, using the correct form of the verb ir + a + infinitive. (e.g., We are going to take a bus excursion around the city of Barcelona, and we are going to explore the river Onyar.)

Give one sentence stating how you feel about the trip using the correct form of the verb estar. (e.g., I am very excited for the trip!)


Answer 1
Answer: Mi familia y yo vamos a visitar Chile el siguiente verano.

Tengo que comprar una cámara.

Mis padres tienen que poner ropa y nuestros documentos en la maleta.

Mi familia y yo vamos a ir a la Isla de Pascua y también vamos a ir a un restaurante en Chile.

Me siento muy nerviosa por el viaje pero a la vez muy emocionada.

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Read about the experiences of driving through Central and South America. Then, write a small paragraph of 5 lines in Spanish sharing your thoughts on the idea of driving through Latin America and which countries would you like to visit.



Hope this help! (im a spanish speaker so i think this is correct)


Durante mi experencia en Sur de America habia mucha gente pero estaban vestidos muy bonito de vestidos. Habia muchos arboles que están verdes y flores que estaban de color rosita! Mucha gente nos habia dicho de Machu Picchu que es un lugar hermosa! El camino para llegar era dificle porque casi no habia carretera. Pero la verdad yo tenia un tiempo muy felice ahi y me gustaría regresar cuando estoy mas grande

(pls put brainly if you want)


Creo que sería interesante viajar por América Latina en auto o en motocicleta. Si viajas en un auto, también puedes llevar tu bicicleta. Hay muchos lugares hermosos para visitar. Los caminos no parecen estar en muy buenas condiciones, pero creo que vale la pena disfrutar de esta aventura. A mi me gustaría visitar Perú, Chile y Argentina. Creo que son países con muchos atractivos turísticos.


edmentum answer :)

Would expressing age be preterite or imperfect in spanish?


Age is considered rude to ask in Spanish if that’s what ur asking
It would be preterite

A scientist performed an experiment to test her hypothesis that a disease in horses was caused by a deficiency in an important mineral. The results did not support her hypothesis. However, some of her data showed an important change in one hormone. The scientist knew that the hormone was related to a different mineral, so she formed a new hypothesis. What is the most logical step for the scientist to take next?


The most logical next step for the scientist to take would be for her to perform a new experiment to test her alternative hypothesis. There is not much use in her forming a new hypothesis without also testing it, as this will not provide any further evidence for her research.




Choose the sentence that is grammatically CORRECTA ellos les gusta las enchiladas.
Ellos gusta comer enchiladas.
Ellos gustan las enchiladas.
A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas

It would really be helpful if you can explain to me why it is correct so I can know in the future. Thank you. ^-^


Answer: A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas


i will take each sentence and describe why is correct or not.

"A ellos les gusta las enchiladas."

Here you can see that "...Gusta Las..." in this case "gusta" is in singular, and the word right next to it "las" is a plural pronoun, so this is incorrectly written.

"Ellos gusta comer enchiladas."

Here we do not have any pronoun, this is incorrectly written.

"Ellos gustan las enchiladas."

Here you can see that "gustan" is correctly in plural, but now we don't have the pronoun before it, so this is incorrect.

"A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas"

Now we have all the pronoun, in this case we have "gusta" again, that is in singular, but it is followed by a non conjugated action "comer", so in this case it is cohesive, so this is correctly written.


A ellos les gusta las enchiladas.

A ellos les gusta comer enchiladas


First we must divide each part of the sentence

preposition = A

pronoun = ellos

verb = gusta

verb =  comer

article = las

noun = enchiladas

In this example in Spanish we need the preposition "A" at the beginning of the sentences to indicate who like enchiladas

In English, we don't need this preposition because we can say:

They like to eat enchiladas

They like enchiladas

If we translate the sentence literally would be Ellos gusta comer enchiladas, this form is incorrect because we don't know "who".

For example:

We are in a restaurant and there are 5 groups of people eating, but only one group like to eat enchiladas.

If we only say Ellos gusta comer enchiladas, we won't know the correct group.

If we say A ellos, in this case we are pointing a specific group in the restaurant.

José __________ (entregar) la tarea.


Jose _______ (deliever) the task.
Jose ________ (entregar) la terea

Jose delivered the task
Jose entregado la terea.
the correct form of "entregar" in this statement is "entregado"

Where can you find a Panamanian wildlife refuge


In Matusagaratí, provincia de Darién which borders with Colombia,

You can go to  Palmira, Panama