“Common Sense” inspired colonists with its call for _________. A. american independence and democracy.

B. american dependency on Great Britain.

C. independence for all people.


Answer 1

Answer:   B. american independance on great Britain


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is it e?


the answer is a. Hijrah

When was the federal reserve system established


December 23, 1913. It was very helpful.

When was the federal reserve system established?


**WILL GIVE BRAINLEST**Imagine that you are an adviser to either China’s emperor or Japan’s shogun. Write a letter advising the ruler whether you support a policy of isolation or engagement. Explain your reasons for supporting that policy. Your letter should be three paragraphs and each paragraph should discuss one reason for supporting or opposing isolation.


If I were to be an adviser to any of the two, I would surely support a policy of isolation. Chinese emperors and Japanese shoguns had a policy of isolation for a very long time.ALL the Chinese emperors opted for, if not isolation, then at least no modernization - Chines engagement with the West during the imperial period only happened when the Chinese were forced into it. Same with the Shogun - who lost power, the position being abolished due to modernization. So, the only thing the emperor wants to hear is isolation, as they like things the way they are, and anyway Japanese and Chinese rulers regarded foreigners, and Westerners, as barbarians who couldn't possibly have anything positive to offer them other than tribute. The only reason either of them engaged with the West is because they were forced to through threats (or actual use of) violence by Western powers.

2 questions??? realy need help 1) define the term town meeting and name which region of the united states that town meetings are most commonly held.

2) what is the job of a coroner??


A town meeting is the purest form of democratic governing. It is a place where citizens can voice their opinions for changes in their communities. The town meeting is where the salaries are set for the city officials, it votes to appropriate money to run the town and votes on the town's by-laws. The town meetings were begun in New England but are also held in the South. Generally, the town will have 12,000 or less people otherwise it can be classified as a city.

The coroner's job is to perform autopsies to answer questions of cause of death, to run tests to fix responsibility for cause of death. They run pathological and toxicological tests to eliminate causes or prove causes of death. They are involved in inquests to certain deaths.

What were the causes of the great depression?


Some of the causes were: overproduction by farmers, consumerism (prioritizing spending above saving), speculation in the stock market, and uneven distribution of wealth.
1. CCC - Civilian Conservation Corps

2. CWA - Civil Works Administration

3. FHA - Federal Housing Administration

4. FSA - Federal Security Agency

5. HOLC - Home Owner's Loan Corporation

6. NRA - National Recovery Act

7. PWA - Public Works Administration

8. SSA - Social Security Act

9. TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority

10. WPA - Works Progress Administration

Columbus visited many kings and queens asking for support before who finally agreed to pay for his famed voyage of exploration?Felix and Ileana, the king and queen of Mexico
Ferdinand and Isabella, the king and queen of Spain
Francois and Iris, the king and queen of France


          The people who funded Columbus's journey are Ferdinand and isabella. Hope this helped!