What game is this? help mee?


Answer 1




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Write an algorithm which gets a number N, and prints all the natural numbers less than or equal N. 3.




1.Create a variable N.

2.Read the value of N from user.

3.for i=1 to N.

 3.1 Print value of i.

4.end program.

Implementation in C++:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// main function

int main()


// variable

int N;

cout<<"Enter value of N:";

// read the value of N


cout<<"Natural number from 1 to "<<N<<" are:";

for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)


// print the numbers

   cout<<i<<" ";


return 0;



Enter value of N:6                                                                                                        

Natural number from 1 to 6 are:1 2 3 4 5 6

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continues to grow at the same rate, approximately when will the population reach
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Hope it this helps.

Is e commerce a challenge or opportunity to the freight forwarder



It can be both


This all depends on how that e commerce is planning on handling their deliveries. Taking Amazon as an example, they're probably top customers from FedEx and UPS (and others as well), which at a very beginning this has shown a great opportunity for these companies. However, Amazon has started to show interest in starting their own delivery which also poses a huge risk.

Which of the following terms is used to describe a program that copies itself repeatedly, using up resources and possibly shutting down the computer or network?(A) A virus
(B) A warm
(C) A trojan horse
(D) A rootkit


Answer: Option (B) is correct.


A worm in technical sense is also known as a computer worm which is a self-replicating virus/ malicious content that replicates itself in order to spread to the uninfected PC. They often use components of an OS (operating system) which are automatic and also invisible to an individual. It should be duly noted that it is usual for a computer worm to be observed only when their replication utilizes system content, slowing other tasks at hand.

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What suggestions do you have for preventing scope creep in projects?



Scope creep is defined as the uncontrolled changes occur in the projects scope is known as scope creep. It basically occur when the project scope are not properly define and controlled.

Suggestions for preventing scope creep in projects are as follow:

  •   By using the online projects software and the software management help in prevent the scope creep in the projects.
  •   We should always focus on the projects requirements and must understand the main vision of the clients.
  •   There is no requirement of overdoing in projects rather keeping it simple and accurate according to the main requirements. otherwise, it may lead to scope creep.

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Quicksort reaches the worst-case time complexity when:Partition is not implemented in placePicking the largest one of input or partitioned data as pivot valueMedian of input or partitioned data is expensive to calculateData is sorted already and always pick the median as pivotChoose the incorrect statement:When the median is always picked as pivot in input/partitioned data, then quicksort achieves the best-case time complexity.Mergesort has O(N(log(N)) time complexity for its worst case, average case and best caseInsertionsort reaches its best-case time complexity O(N log(N)) when the input data is pre-sortedQuicksort is practically fast and frequently used sorting algorithm.Choose the incorrect statement:In the lower bound analysis by using decision tree, each branch uses one comparison to narrow down possible casesIn the lower bound analysis by using decision tree, he number of required comparisons can be represented by height of decision treeA decision tree to sort N elements must have N^2 leavesO(N log(N)) lower bound means that comparison-based algorithm cannot achieve a time complexity better than O(N log(N))Choose the incorrect statement regarding time complexity of union-find operation:Inverse Ackermann function does not depend on N and is a constant factor.When we use arbitrary union and simple find for union-find operation, the worst-case time complexity is O(MN) for a sequence of M operations and N elementsUnion-by-size and Union-by-rank both improve the time complexity to O(M log(N)) for a sequence of M operations and N elementsTo finish the entire equivalence class computation algorithm, we need to go over each pair of elements, so if we use union-by-rank with path compression for find operation, then the overall time complexity is O(N^2 log*N), where log*N denotes the inverse Ackermann function.Choose the incorrect statement regarding Dijstraâs algorithmDijstraâs algorithm is a greedy algorithmDijstraâs algorithm requires to dynamically update distance/costs/weights of paths.To begin with, Dijstraâs algorithm initializes all distance as INFDijstraâs algorithm can be implemented by heaps, leading to O(|E|+|V| log(|V|)) time complexity, where, particularly, log(|V|) is due to "insert" operation in heaps.