What is a works cited page? a. citations within the paragraph
b. the rules of citing sources
c. the research paper
d. last page of the paper that lists the resources used and cited within the research paper


Answer 1
Answer: It might be A or D but not positive

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“What firgurative language is it”




The vampires eyes were burning coals is a comparison of two things without using like or as so it’s a metaphor


The figurative language that's being used is: Metaphor


A metaphor is the figure of speech used in order to apply a(n) object or person. In this case, The vampire's eyes were being applied the effect of saying burning coal, bright and red.

The vampire's eyes = The object that is being applied to

Burning coals = The object that was applied to "Vampire's eyes"

A metaphor is basically when you are saying:

Something is something else.

Though similes are similar in a way, they can be different due to how they use it since:

Similes are when you say "Something is or are something else"

If the sentence were provided were a smile it would have been:

The vampire's eyes are like burning coals, bright and red.

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In my room I sat down and tried calmly to reason out the matter. Here was I, Theobald Jack Pansay, a well-educated Bengal Civilian in the year of grace 1885, presumably sane, certainly healthy, driven in terror from my sweetheart's side by the apparition of a woman who had been dead and buried eight months ago. These were facts that I could not blink. Nothing was further from my thought than any memory of Mrs. Wessington when Kitty and I left Hamilton's shop. Nothing was more utterly commonplace than the stretch of wall opposite Peliti's. It was broad daylight. The road was full of people; and yet here, look you, in defiance of every law of probability, in direct outrage of Nature's ordinance, there had appeared to me a face from the grave.


Final answer:

The text appears to delve into the emotional and psychological journey of a character named Theobald Jack Pansay, as he recounts some unsettling experiences. The text presents a narrative filled with introspection, observations, and personal experiences, accentuated by descriptions of physical spaces.


The text presents a narrative filled with emotional introspection, observations, and personal experiences of a character named Theobald Jack Pansay. These experiences invoke strong emotional reactions within the character, as evident from terms such as 'dropped it, ashamed', 'deep languor', and 'tears of repentance and sorrow'. The narrative's focus on introspection and the emotional journey of the character is, hence, the evident subject matter.

The scenery and physical settings also play a crucial role in the story, adding layers to the emotional state of the protagonist. Descriptions of spaces like the 'well-house', 'familiar leaves and blossoms', and 'the road full of people' further accentuate the emotional undertones of the narrative. In conclusion, the text appears to be delving into the emotional and psychological journey of a supposedly sane and healthy man who recounts bizarre, unsettling experiences.

Learn more about Emotional Introspection here:



Final answer:

The narrative unfolds around Theobald Jack Pansay's encounter with a ghostly apparition, forcing him to confront past memories and relationships. This occurrence leads him on a journey through various interactions with other characters who influence his understanding of past events.


The extracts narrate a series of events and interactions involving several characters. The protagonist, Theobald Jack Pansay, experiences a terrifying supernatural apparition, forcing him to question his sanity. Through this experience, he uncovers hidden mysteries and forgotten memories. Also notable are the characters of Mrs. Wessington, Kitty, Lucy Dare, Doctor McTeague, and the little old dressmaker who contribute to the storyline. They all influence Pansay's journey of discovery. Throughout these narratives, the themes of lost love, supernatural occurrences, aging, memories, and fear are explored in a Victorian backdrop.

Pansay, a well-educated man, is terrified by the apparition of a woman he once knew, Mrs. Wessington. As he grapples with this experience, he learns more about his past and the influence of other characters such as Lucy Dare, Doctor McTeague, and the little old dressmaker.

Learn more about Victorian Narrative here:



Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein to express her fear of humanity tampering with nature. The passage you have read is when the narrator discovers the error of his ways. How does the author establish the theme that man should not tamper with nature? Use at least two details from the passage to support your answer.


In order to support the theme that man should not tamper with nature, Mary Shelley uses two details from the passage:

1. The narrator's realization of the consequences: The passage reveals the narrator's profound regret and horror upon realizing the error of his ways. He describes his creation as a "wretch" and acknowledges that he has brought "misery" and "desolation" upon himself and others. This demonstrates the negative outcomes that arise from tampering with nature, emphasizing the theme that such interference can lead to disastrous consequences.

2. The emphasis on the unnaturalness of the creation: The passage highlights the unnaturalness of the narrator's creation. He describes it as a "thing" that "even Dante could not have conceived." This portrayal emphasizes the aberrant and monstrous nature of the creature, reinforcing the idea that tampering with nature results in something that is disturbing and goes against the natural order. It suggests that man's attempts to interfere with nature ultimately lead to the creation of something that is unnatural and unsettling.

By utilizing these details in the passage, Mary Shelley effectively establishes the theme that man should not tamper with nature, as they illustrate the devastating consequences and the unnaturalness that arises from such interference.

Final answer:

Mary Shelley in 'Frankenstein' warns against meddling with nature by depicting grave consequences for her protagonist who does so. His revulsion at his own creation and the tragic fates of his loved ones underscore this warning. Being part of the romanticism movement also suggests her critique of the damaging effects of industrial development on nature.


Mary Shelley, in her groundbreaking work Frankenstein, conveys the theme that man should not tamper with nature by making her protagonist suffer grave consequences as a result of his meddling. One key detail establishing this is his deep regret and horror at the creature he has created - his reactions express Shelley's warning against crossing natural boundaries. This warning is further emphasized when Frankenstein's loved ones suffer tragic fates as a direct result of his actions, connecting the protagonist's manipulation of nature to immense personal loss.

The romanticism movement, of which Shelley was a part, also provides a wider context to interpret this theme. This movement saw a resurgence of appreciation for the power and beauty of nature, often juxtaposing these against the harsh realities of industrial development - as epitomized in William Blake's depiction of factories as 'dark satanic mills'. Thus, through Frankenstein's tragic tale, Shelley may also be seen as warning of the potential dangers of such industrial 'progress'.

Learn more about Tampering with nature here:



Other Questions
"The Literature of ancient Egypt is the product of a period of about four thousand years, and it was written in three kinds of writing, which are called hieroglyphic, hieratic, and demotic. In the first of these, the characters were pictures of objects; in the second, the forms of the characters were made as simple as possible so that they might be written quickly; and in the third, many of them lost their picture form altogether and became mere symbols. Egyptian writing was believed to have been invented by the god Tehuti, or Thoth, and as this god was thought to be a form of the mind and intellect, and have the wisdom of the God who created the heavens and the earth, the picture characters, or hieroglyphs as they are called, were held to be holy, or divine, or sacred. The materials used by the Egyptians for writing upon were very numerous, but the commonest were stone, wood, skin, and papyrus. The earliest writings were probably traced upon them using some type of fluid, coloured black or red, which served as ink. When the Egyptians became acquainted with the use of the metals they began to cut their writings in stone. As time went on and men wanted to write long texts or inscriptions, they made great use of wood as a writing material. Sheepskin, or goatskin, was used as a writing material, but its use was never general; ancient Egyptian documents written on skin or, as we should say, on parchment, are very few. At a very early period the Egyptians learned how to make a sort of paper, which is now universally known by the name of "papyrus". When they made this discovery cannot be said, but the hieroglyphic inscriptions of early dynasties contain the pictures of a roll of papyrus, hence the antiquity of the use of papyrus must be great. 1. What is the difference between hieroglyph and hieratic writing? A - Hieroglyph writing is easier to write than hieratic. B - Hieratic writing uses very simple symbols. C - Hieratic writing is easier to write than hieroglyph writing. D - There are no differences between the two.