What was titubas main motivation in the crucible?


Answer 1
Answer: To save herself from having to be hung and accused as a witch.

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The black squirrel gathers many acorns from our oak trees.

The adjective phrase is FROM OUR OAK TREES. It modifies ACORNS. Answer is letter C.

Though an adjective phrase modifies a noun or pronoun. It can also modify an object of the sentence.

The object in the above sentence is ACORNS.

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This was obviously a long time ago, given the English. The character seems to be upset and he finds this loss to be a great one. He clearly loves this girl and he thinks losing her will be a tragedy. He is calling the girl the 'sweetest flower' and the 'untimely frost' is her death that happened too soon, with her being so young.
It seems like the character feels Juliet was too young and beautiful (like a flower) to die. With her untimely death like an early frost.

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some festivals

some festivals last

last one or more weeks

last weeks


The answer is 'D'-last one or more weeks


last one or more weeks


Which of these techniques do writers employ to draw a reader's attention to symbols in their stories?



OPTION B "repeating objects throughout a text "

OPTION C  "putting particular emphasis on an object in a story"


To make sure the purpose of the author, help the reader to understand the meaning of different objects in the story, the repetition of their presentation is critical. This is helpful to catch the reader’s attention so they can get the importance of the object in the story. In addition, the writer must put special emphasis on it. The author must be sure it gives enough space to it to stand out in the story.

list the types of techniques

You should cautiously approach (your, you’re) pet if (she, her) is a new parent.


your pet if she is a new parent




How does HIV harm the body?a. It deceives the body into attacking itself.
b. It destroys immune cells, leaving the body defenseless.
c. It causes vital organs to stop functioning because of a high level of toxins in the blood.
d. all of the above


The correct answer is B, 'it destroys immune cells, leaving the body defenseless'. 
The correct answer is B

Ur welcome

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