35. It may sound strange to hear that the ______is generally lower for less developedcountries than for more developed countries, but the difference is correlated to the average age
of each population.
A) crude birth rate
B) crude death rate
C) infant mortality rate
D) natural increase rate
E) total growth rate


Answer 1

It may sound strange to hear that the crude birth rate is generally lower for less developed countries than for more developed countries, but the difference is correlated to the average age of each population.

The correct answer is A.

The crude birth rate refers to the number of births per 1,000 people in a population during a given time period. Less developed countries generally have a higher crude birth rate compared to more developed countries. This is because less developed countries often have higher fertility rates and younger populations.

In less developed countries, people tend to have more children due to cultural, social, and economic factors. These factors include a lack of access to contraception, lower levels of education, limited economic opportunities for women, and traditional beliefs regarding the importance of having many children.

On the other hand, more developed countries have lower birth rates because of factors such as higher levels of education, greater access to contraception, and increased economic opportunities for women. These factors contribute to lower fertility rates and an aging population in more developed countries.

Know more about crude birth rate,



Answer 2

It may sound strange to hear that the crude death rate is generally lower for less developed countries than for more developed countries, but the difference is correlated to the average age of each population.

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Hope this helps!


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You can find more on google scholar if you want
Good luck :)

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